Kabbalah Studies – Week 18 – Mishpatim

    Kabbalah Studies – Week 18 – Mishpatim

    And these are the laws which thou shalt set before them.” (Exodus 21:1)

    After Moses had received the Tablets of the Law, with the so-called β€œ10 Commandments or Pronouncements”, was instructed to bring several laws to the Israelites.

    This section of the Bible, called the "judgment" ou β€œordinances”, shows a series of laws to be observed by the people. Laws on women, possession of slaves and animals, compensation for damages caused between people and even deaths. General laws to be observed by the people in their daily lives.

    These laws refer to a more detailed decoding, after receipt of the Tablets of the Law. They are a kind of more elaborate code of conduct.

    For the Cabal, however, these instructions are a deeper code, representing the laws of cause and effect. Everything we do, everything we fail to do, has its consequences. Nothing happens by chance. They are also the keys to a deeper understanding of reincarnation, in the sense that actions in past lives influence the present.

    All that the Eternal has spoken, we will do and hear.” (Exodus 24:7)

    Keep the ways of the Lord, so that all goes well. Practice the teachings of the Eternal in their entirety, immediately. Study his word, so that you may have a blessed life.

    Shavua Tov! A great week for all of us!

    You may also like another article by this author. Access: Semana 16 – Beshalach

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