Kabbalah Studies: Toldot

    Genesis 25:19-28:9 

    106 verses 

    β€œAnd these are the generations of Isaac the son of Abraham.”

    Genesis 25:19

    This is the passage that relates the birth of Esau and Jacob, sons of Isaac and Rebekah. Esau, a hunting man, sells his birthright to Jacob, a more peaceful man. Jacob deceives his father, posing as Esau, receiving his blessings instead. Afterwards, he flees to the house of Rebekah's relatives, not to be killed by Esau, out of revenge.

    This is the story of our lives and also of humanity. The constant struggle between good and evil. More than that, it is the fight to overcome our internal enemy, the negative side that resides in us.

    We have to be aware, always, because the negative side does not rest and has many disguises.

    β€œAnd Isaac prayed to the Lord in front of his wife, (who also prayed) because she was barren; and he answered the Lord and conceived Rebekah his wife.”

    Genesis 25:21

    Here we see the importance of prayer. Rebekah could not conceive children, and through Isaac's (and Rebekah's) prayer, she was answered. When we pray for others, we avoid drawing judgment upon ourselves, while also being met with our needs.

    Kabbalah Studies: Toldot

    Fight your negative side, be a winner!

    Pray, ask, receive miracles!

    Good week to everyone!

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