Kabbalah Studies – The Month of Iyar, Taurus

    Kabbalah Studies – The month of Iyar, Taurus, is related to healing and sustenance. The name of the month, Iyar, references the last words of the passage in Exodus 15:26:

    And he said, If you will carefully hearken to the voice of the Lord your God, if you will do right in His eyes, if you will listen to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, all the disease that I sent upon the Egyptians, I will not put it on you, for I am the Lord, that heals you”.

    Exodus 15:26

    The β€œBook of Formation” (Sefer Yetzira), attributed to the patriarch Abraham, reveals that the month of Iyar is controlled by the letters Pei (planet Venus) and Vav (constellation of Taurus). The letter Vav unites binah and malchut, making the aspect of Zeir Anpin. The connection of the higher and lower worlds is represented by the tetragrammaton and by Adonai. This month is also represented by the initials of Isaac, Yakov, Abraham and Rachel.

    Kabbalah Studies – The Month of Iyar, Taurus
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    Manna fell from the heavens for the first time in Iyar, and we can connect with Haman's parasha for sustenance. Also on the 18th of Iyar is Lag B'Omer, the special date on which Rav Shimon bar Yochai ascended to the higher worlds. To bring health, healing and sustenance, we must pay special attention to our food, so that it is the purest and healthiest for our body, avoiding processed and genetically modified foods.

    Natural foods allow us a spiritual connection with the higher worlds and have been made available to us for our perfect health. Healing also comes through water, which eliminates impurities from our body, in addition to which we are mostly made up of this liquid.

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    Do not forget that sustenance comes from the heavens, through our perfect harmony with the higher worlds and our physical work carried out in this world. Sustenance, health and prosperity are closely intertwined, and everything basically depends on following the Creator's laws left to all of us, just having the desire to follow them at our own disposal.

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