Kabbalah Studies: Sukkot, Feast of Huts or Tabernacles

    Sukkot, Feast of Huts or Tabernacles, begins on the 15th of Tishrei (October 5th) and ends on the 22nd of Tishrei (October 12th). The celebrations are for the harvest, as well as the receipt of the Second Tablets of the Law, which were handed down on Yom Kippur. The use of Etrog (cider), Lulav (palm leaf), Hadassim (myrtle) and Aravot (willow) is part of the rituals, in addition to blessing the water and building the hut.

    The festivities of Sukkot remind us of the sojourn of the Hebrews in the desert, after leaving Egypt, when they had to trust the Eternal to receive their sustenance.

    Kabbalah Studies: Sukkot, Feast of Huts or Tabernacles

    By staying under a Sukkah, we allow for a greater connection with God, remembering that absolutely everything comes from the higher worlds.

    It is a time of rejoicing and happiness, as we are witnesses of the daily and infinite miracles that are provided to us in all times and moments of our existence.

    Despite the world working on the idea that we can only be happy having material goods, we know that infinite happiness is found within us, it is a state of thought. We can be happy with the least. Generally, the more a person has, the more problems and worries they have. In fact, most of the things we have are not needed, because they are unnecessary. We really need to reflect that we already have everything we need for our existence, and the Eternal sustains and protects us at all times. Therefore, we can be happy with what we have.

    We must pursue the true treasures, incorruptible and that no thief can steal, which are spiritual treasures. There is nothing more valuable than entering and delving into the superior worlds, aware of the futility, precariousness and finitude of this world in which we live.

    Well, then, don't get lost in the vain questions of this world of illusion, don't waste energy chasing false or temporal goals, which aren't worth it.

    Be truly happy, always and for whatever reason, aware of your connection with the Eternal, who feeds our body and soul.

    This is the true and decisive meaning of Sukkot: the trust in placing your life with the Creator.

    Be happy, always!

    Chag Sameach!

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