Kabbalah Studies – Devarim Shabat Chazon

Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22
105 verses

We began the study of the fifth and last book of the Torah, called Devarim, which means β€œwords”, due to the words spoken by Moses, to the Israelite people, before entering the Promised Land, after 40 years in the desert. This book is also called Deuteronomy, in Greek translation, which means β€œsecond law”, being considered as the summary of the laws pronounced by Moses. Devarim is linked to the physical aspect of action. In our daily actions, we must reveal the Light of the Creator, loving our neighbor. Spirituality does not mean withdrawing from the world but revealing the Light in the world.

β€œThese are the words that Moses spoke to all Israel”

Deuteronomy 1:1

Kabbalah Studies – Devarim Shabat Chazon

In our spiritual journey, it is important to review our past, with our mistakes and successes, so that we do not repeat our faults and so that we fulfill the precepts established in the Torah, our mission in life.

We should also rebuke the people around us, so that they correct their ways. Scolding someone is linked to the love aspect, while flattery can be false and linked to hate.

Thus, after an internal reflection, we are ready to enter the Promised Land, in a transformed life, without falling into the old temptations, repeating the old mistakes made. For this, it is important to keep in mind the laws established by the Creator.

Let us use words to build a better world, with aspects of mercy and love for others.

Shavua Tov!
Have a great week!
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