Judicial Parental Alienation. How to solve? – Constellations (part 3)

    hello beloved, 

    Months have passed since the 2nd part of this series, which began with the proposal of resolving conflicts through the psychotherapy of Family, Quantum, Systemic Constellations, which is gaining more ground in the judiciary every day, having already been implemented in 13 Spanish courts with great success.

    Currently, the method has aroused the interest of the Criminal Court, due to its effectiveness. Judge Ana Cecília Toscano, who works in the Criminal Court of Igarassu, will also implement the technique of Family Constellation in the Judiciary Unit. “Often the fights between the parties are repeated. Family Constellation tries to resolve the cause that led to that process, not the process itself. Through this method we seek social pacification,” she said. Magistrate Laura Amélia will also insert the methodology in the Vara da Infância e Juventude de Olinda, where she is the holder. “Harmonizing a family system that is out of harmony is the function of Family Constellations,” she said. The full article can be read at the links referenced at the end of this article.

    Judicial Parental Alienation. How to solve? – Constellations (part 3)

    There is no doubt that the technique of Constellations is fantastic, even for this reason it has been considered beyond the health area, being also implemented in Education (Systemic Pedagogy) and Law (System Law). We just don't know yet if there are professionals trained enough for this, in addition to the lack of a supervisory body capable of monitoring the implementation and correct use of this psychotherapy. It can be used and applied by lawyers, judges, prosecutors and other justice officials, but it can also be used by anyone who takes the course, even without any knowledge in the legal and therapeutic area. However, there are limits of action to be respected, as we will see below.

    Since the publication of the 2nd part of this series, which was more precise about the cases of PARENTAL ALIENATION, we have focused on this cause and detecting numerous flaws within a "system" that has been talking so much about HUMANIZING YOURSELF, bringing harmony and pacification to family systems. , from the Constellations Method.

    Family Constellation is a psychotherapeutic tool with a philosophical background, which has become popular in recent years from the practical experiences of the German philosopher Bert Hellinger, who discovered the existence of 3 laws that he called “Orders of Love”:

    1st law – Right to Belong; 

    2nd law – Order of Precedence; 

    3rd Law – Balance Between Giving and Receiving.

    From these three laws, countless others are derived, which we can observe in any relationship, especially when a crisis or conflict occurs, resulting from the violation of some of the systemic laws, called by Bert Ordens do AMOR.

    What happens is that the very basis of the method, which are the Laws or Orders of Love, are already beginning to have their names replaced by “laws of human relationships”, “universal laws” and other names that replace the main concept of this therapy: LOVE.

    It even makes sense, since talking about love in a forum might sound strange. How to talk about non-judgment, love, forgiveness, belonging and systemic balance, within an environment where everyone has learned to judge and condemn, perhaps disguising the words, using them in a more legal language, right?

    Machiavelli once said: “The ends justify the means”.

    And so we go on swallowing and swallowing... And the people are encouraged to believe in one more thing they don't know, and worse, they are at the mercy of "authorities" who know little about the subject, because if they did, they wouldn't break laws and fundamental rules for any method that works with phenomenology, energetic and systemic therapies.

    Already the idea of ​​alienation appeared before Christ. Theme widely discussed from the famous Allegory of the Caves of the Greek philosopher, Plato. The philosopher Hegel brings new thoughts on the subject, followed by Karl Marx who talks about social, intellectual and economic alienation, until we reach Richard Gardner with the PARENTAL ALIENATION.

    It happens that wherever we go with our research, few know what PAS (Parental Alienation Syndrome) is about, which gave rise to the Parental Alienation law in 2010. When citing Gardner and the symptoms he described of an alienated child, we realize they don't even know who Gardner is, let alone the symptoms and the law.

    I draw attention here that during this research we followed the performance of some professionals who are training as Family Constellators without being in the therapeutic area, and we identified in their Constellations serious infractions of the basic principles of the method, such as suggesting situations that do not exist, trying to assume or explain certain pathologies or traumas that arise during a Constellation, among other cases that could only be “seen” by professionals who work with mental and emotional health, and there is no “guess” within this method.

    We have reports of many people who started to discredit the method when they watched Constellations where the constellator ends the “work”, thanking the good spirits who were present and directing the “bad spirits” to spiritual hospitals. We also have those who work with indigenous ancestry, saying that the “constellation session” was guided by shamans, shamans, pai de santo and a lot of absurdities that should be avoided.

    Some religious entities began to teach the method by offering a free training course in Constellation, and there are also paid courses that guarantee a title of Shamanic Constellator, Spiritual Constellator and even Family Constellation by the Bert Hellinger method, but with influences that are sometimes quantum, sometimes are spiritual, and even Jesus has already descended in constellation. Is this a therapeutic, religious, mystical or judicial method?

    And if you're wondering why I'm linking Constellation issues with Alienation, I'll explain: we see magistrates committed to the cause, to the humanization of justice, to its relief, to curing the cause of a problem instead of leaving children at the mercy of reopenings. proceedings, reversals of custody, false accusations that force them, sometimes in a veiled way, others explicitly, to take a stand for or against one of the parents, which causes serious psychological damage to them, our children today… Future judges of tomorrow. These magistrates and lawyers, in tune with the Syndrome and the Law, have been applying the constellations correctly, without going into issues that only fit the therapeutic area.

    But we also see processes that explain more about PAS symptoms, the articles of the law and how to apply it, than the discussion itself, which is usually an endless fight over custody, suspension of alimony, ego fight and unresolved relationships. We see hundreds of pages in the processes, just to PROVE the errors of the OWN SYSTEM, for the SAME SYSTEM. And then, things start to get complicated.

    We found several articles, reports and interviews where SISTEMA teaches how to denounce SISTEMA, which even indicates the CNJ (National Council of Justice), to denounce judges and their decisions that go against what the law says, but the question that does not want to be silent : which body will supervise the CNJ? And who will oversee how psychotherapeutic methods are being used in the forums? And where will it all end? And you still ask where your money goes?

    These family conflicts, which usually have their origins in unresolved issues when the couple separates, also have their exceptions, not so rare for a therapist specializing in Systemic and Phenomenological Therapies. With a broader look, we can see that the cause can also be systemic.

    Judicial Parental Alienation. How to solve? – Constellations (part 3)

    Observing some cases, we note that some ALIENATORY parents have also been victims of ALIENATION, either by their parents, grandparents or uncles. All they do now is repeat the same cycle of alienation they lived through. Here we talk about an unconscious way of honoring the family system, from the repetition of behaviors. Alienated children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren tend to repeat this cycle, which is “broken” or understood from the point of view of family constellations.

    Unfortunately, this so-called "SYSTEMIC KNOT" of repeating cycles, can only be noticed or evaluated by a professional specialized in Systemic and Phenomenological Therapies. Then we see ourselves always and always needing more professionals, more organs inspecting organs, more specializations that aim to help us and protect us FROM US, and so, we are getting lost more and more. We defocus from our essence, which knows everything, in favor of evolution, of science that evolves more and more, in search of proving what the ancients, without any study, already knew by nature.

    Phew, I think I said it!

    With all this evolution and with a lot of faith, we will soon reach the good old handshake.

    It's not news that most philosophers end up crazy, is it?

    It could be, it is not easy to translate anguish into words, in the face of so many absurdities that the modern world invents more and more to alienate us.

    Like this? Well, we are all alienated, even those who believe they are exercising their free will, because they don't realize that this is already programmed by paradigms that are imposed on us since we were in mom's belly, and worse, most of our questions come from this "belly ” by the blood and energetic ties we maintain with our entire family system (living and dead), through what Bert Hellinger calls “the great family soul”, Jung called the Collective Unconscious and other names are used, according to studies and beliefs of each. But they all show that we influence and are influenced all the time by this collective, whether familiar or not. 

    What matters to us is that the Constellations tool allows us to look at the situations of the past that put us in the “hole” where we are, and from the recognition of what was, we free ourselves from these “ties” that prevent us from being ourselves. ourselves in the present, of feeling our pain and anguish without carrying weights that are not ours.

    It turns out that few understand about systemic relationships, which show us the origins of conflicts. 

    Unfortunately, the “system” itself denounces this, as well explained in the links below. We see Tutelary Counselors unprepared, after all, it is enough to be over 18 years old and to be literate that already meets the prerequisites to be a counselor, who will attend, listen to the case, guide, make reports and refer families and children to receive the appropriate help. referring to the case.

    The CAPS (Psychosocial Care Center) provide free care, but we follow up cases in which the child is in a severe stage of Parental Alienation and is attended by health agents, who evaluate children for months, without even knowing the syndromes that a psychologist who intends to work with families and children has an obligation to know.

    This is incongruous, an alienated child or at least with signs of alienation, must have specialized treatment with a professional who knows very well the syndrome and the necessary actions during the treatment. A professional who evaluates or refers the parents for an evaluation with another professional, with precise guidelines on the condition.

    However, we see that it would be very helpful to have specialized CAPS for more complex cases, such as Alienation, which involves a systemic treatment that will really help the child and his family.

    In the last seminar promoted by the Children's and Youth Rights Commission of the 24th subsection of the OAB SP, held at FADI Sorocaba - Sorocaba Law School, we were able to prove all this for themselves, who declare themselves "exhausted", outdated, unprepared, lacking of employees, funds and so on…

    With the failure of these bodies, which do not even communicate, we agree that it is difficult for the judiciary to evaluate a process of parental alienation, mainly because they are supported by statements from these bodies, which are proven to be incapable of dealing with more complex cases, so it is up to the solution to implement at least 1 specialized CAPS per municipality OR the updating of professionals from all CAPS, who must have a training in Family Systemic Therapies and not just attend to the child and put their parents (those who want to participate in the meetings, which are not mandatory) in rooms with coffee and chats without the guidance of a trained professional. We check these meetings too.

    In the matter that I made available below, we see that the judiciary itself ends up becoming one of the biggest alienators due to some explicit flaws in the processes, already receiving the name of JUDICIAL PARENTAL ALIENATION. However, the failures of Organs aforementioned bodies do not belong only to the judiciary, but also to the supervisory bodies of the municipality and the state.

    We have parents who fight for their rights and those of their children even in public schools, when they discover that their child is being interrogated, mistreated or having their rights violated by coordinators, inspectors, principals and even teachers. When these actions are questioned, the school often seeks support from the Guardianship Council to protect itself, and the Councils allied with the CAPS, also to protect themselves. Then we ask: who will ally with the child itself, to protect their rights?

    We have parents who are already armed with cell phones, recording conversations with professionals from these bodies, professionals from the system that we maintain to protect ourselves, and who, in the end, are the biggest alienators, as well explained in the links below.

    I keep thinking that if instead of ARMING ourselves, wouldn't it be better to simply LOVE each other.

    And we hope that in the next article we will have happier stories to tell, with case solutions, implementation of specialized CAPS, updating of professionals so that they learn a little about recognition, belonging, love and balance, after all, these are the laws or orders of the love that govern the famous Constellations, which are now being applied by Law Judges who seek a new way of doing justice, already admitting that the current one is flawed.

    I send you a big kiss and some links for those who want to delve deeper and prove the CHAOS we are experiencing, also in this sector, in our country.

    Read part 1 of this series

    Read part 2 of this series

    Judicial Parental Alienation: THE NEGLIGENCE of the Spanish Judiciary

    Bodies that inspect errors of judges. What can justice do?

    Public Ministry investigates Guardianship Councilors

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