Judge not lest you be judged – Stop judging people! It blocks you!

Judge not lest you be judged! As you judge, you will be judged. Have you ever stopped to think about these phrases? Well, those are biblical phrases, which I imagine the vast majority have heard. And today I'm going to make an analogy about them and the way the human brain works, when it comes to judgment.

In order for there to be an understanding of these phrases, a little deeper reflection is necessary, of the implications that the behavior of judging can bring to the life of those who adopt it as a habit! So let's go!

Why is judging not legal? Why shouldn't we judge? Well, I brought you two reasons today for you to police yourself when judging someone.

The first:

Judge not lest you be judged – Stop judging people! It blocks you!
Vince Fleming/ Unsplash

One should not judge, because you will be judged too. For the other? It may even be… but much worse than that is that you will be judged by yourself. LIKE THIS? Got confused? Calm down, I'll explain! This is how it works: everything we say, our brain registers and stores it. Some words he may leave in the consciousness, others may go into the subconscious. But the fact is, he records all our words; and then at one time or another you will be able to use them against or in favor of ourselves. And the most dangerous thing of all is that the brain cannot differentiate when we are referring to ourselves or others. Your consciousness differentiates, but your subconscious does not. In other words, it would be like this: whenever you talk about someone, you would be talking about yourself. So if you are in the habit of judging and talking negatively about people; to your mind you refer to yourself, because it cannot process this information as belonging to the other. Of course, on an unconscious level. So, in a way, that will reflect on you at a later time. For you to understand better, I will give you an example:

Let's say someone is lecturing, is teaching, and you are watching. And then you start to speak badly and judge the speaker without mercy and without mercy. Maybe you say: “Look how he doesn't know what he's talking about, look how ridiculous, look how nervous he is, look how he likes to appear, look at his clothes, and so on. So we have a problem here: if one day an opportunity arises for you to speak, for you to teach something in public, for you to express your opinion in groups of people or for you to position yourself in the face of some situation... , without embarrassment and with self-confidence? Well, the probability will be pretty remote. Surely you will “shake the foundations”, because as you judge others harshly, in your mind, people will do the same to you. And it will be the same for all other areas of your life, if you live judging others. That is, every time you need to make decisions, you will be afraid of being judged, of being criticized, you will be afraid of what other people will think of you.

Did you realize how you lose, by living judging others? You block yourself, and automatically close your paths.

And the second reason, and the most dangerous in my humble opinion, is:

Judge not lest you be judged – Stop judging people! It blocks you!
Carolina Heza/Unsplash

Every time we judge someone, it's as if we put ourselves in front of people's problems as the solvers. Look! Isn't that what judges do? Judges solve the problems of others, giving a decision, which according to their interpretation, and which is in accordance with the law, would be the best. So when we judge, we behave like judges. So, mentally it would be as if we needed to solve these people's problems. In fact, when we judge, we think we are better, and that we have the best conditions to solve such problems, and if we had them, we would do so. That is, if we were in the place of the one we judge, we would do better.

In this way, when we least expect it, life will bring us similar situations, so that we can confirm to ourselves that we can in fact do better. After all, our brain is always right. Did you see the danger?

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We only lose in judging others, as we will only attract negative situations to us!

That's why there is that popular saying so true:

“Those with a glass roof don’t throw stones at other people’s roofs!”

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