It's worth (re)living again

    Have you ever heard someone say: “If I could go back” or “I would like to go back to the past, to do everything differently”. Today she was reading a book that mentioned this going back in time. Start over, live differently, relive emotions, moments of your life. The book even mentioned the movie 'Benjamin Button', where the main character, played by Brad Pitt, is born with the body of an old man and gets young throughout the film.

    It's a beautiful story, of how we should live our lives. We are surrounded by films in which the characters go back in time, to the past generally, some go to the future, and there they also try to change their lives. And I kept thinking… “If I could go back, what would I want to (re)live…”

    It's worth (re)living again

    I chose three moments that would be magical to relive. Not to change, just to feel that same emotion again.

    When my son was born: feel again the emotion of when I saw your little face for the first time, when I held that fragile little body in my arms, which only asked me for love; to be able to see your kneeling face again. It would be magical, really, to be able to review perfection, God's (and mine) creation.

    My graduation: graduating from college was a milestone, the end of a stage that would be worth feeling again. Feel the emotion of seeing my parents, at my graduation, applauding me. It was wonderful.

    Back to childhood on the inside: when I was little, we used to spend our holidays in the city where my father was born. There we were free to run through the streets, there were not so many dangers and there were many more people with a smile on their face and a good day on their lips. Indescribable.

    There were unforgettable moments, no doubt. but were Unique moments.

    I always thought that I would only go back in time to relive my life if it was with the memory of today. As in the movies, going back, but with the memory of the lived experiences intact, because I believe that this is the only way to do things differently.

    However, I always thought that if I went back and did it differently, the results, the paths and the people I would meet, from the moment a first event changed, would change too. And so, everything from then on would be completely different. Everything would change. The unique moments would be others, they would not be “my” unique moments today, those that have accompanied me until now and that fill the lines of my personal history.

    Today I think I would only go back if it were to have the same experiences: the same races through the country streets, entering the same church in the center of the square, having the same delicious ice cream and the unique drumsticks from the neighbor in front of grandma's house, the same playmates; the same happiness of graduating, the same feeling of getting my degree and, most importantly, having the same child.

    Therefore, returning would make no sense, would have no reason to be. After all, to have everything the same, so I leave it as is.

    Often, we feel sad for something in our life, we regret actions or words and this desire to do it again, to do it differently, comes. If that feeling comes, remember that life has unique moments (barbaric, fantastic) that deserve a special place in our memory archive.

    However, there are moments of sadness, other moments not so good, and these do not need to be relived, but they deserve a place of rest, because you got where you are, in the here and now, also thanks to them.

    Don't nurture sadness, but don't get rid of it, respect it. Live in the present, and create new and fabulous memories for your future. Carefully keep the memories with moments of complete happiness.

    And every now and then, run that movie. Because there is something worth seeing again, these magical moments that we keep with affection in the little drawer of nostalgia.

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