Is your child free to play?

The free art of playing

To play. Picking up the dirt or even eating, running free, climbing trees, living with pets from an early age, it seems that more and more children are playing less.

And the reasons can be many: ready-made toys, today the child is not able to create their own toy, that's because they are bombarded from a young age by movies and drawings that "sell" their products and parents, of course, buy them.

Technology strongly interferes with play, connected and non-playing children. Busy parents who don't pay much attention and therefore prefer to buy a ready-made toy rather than sit down, create and assemble one. Many project their own fear on their children and start to limit the children's play, preventing them from getting dirty, falling, and even hurting themselves.

Is your child free to play?The memories of playing

Well, the scars that many of us adults have today were formed from childhood games, from a bicycle tipping or even the branch that broke while picking some fruit.

Play is very important for the pedagogical development of children. We need parents to let their children play, to stop imposing and interfering with their play. It is at this moment that a personality is built, painting, dirtying and even breaking and why not? Experiences will make them learn, what works and what doesn't.

Why this need to raise children as semi-adults? Yes, it is the pure truth. 5 or 6 year old girls don't play with dolls, they play at being a woman. They are dressed as semi-women inspired by the looks of their mothers. And is this correct?

healthy play

There is no formula that parents are taught how children should play. But maybe an interesting thing is to let them free a little, catch the imagination, make the house more dirty, or even ruin the rug. Yes, we are not here saying that the child should ruin the house, where a conversation explaining what the game consists of is the first step.

But it seems that this first step does not exist. It is bought in a mall where many parents pay a considerable amount (expensive) and is given to children to play with. Many don't even sit on the floor to explain how a toy works and let alone how to do it.

But after all, what is missing?

Parents who had few toys and dreamed of the toys they saw on TV or imagined. Parents who are now able to buy the best gift in the store. Parents who feel frustrated in front of so many hours that they are away from their children who dreamed so much. Perhaps this is some of the answers that are interfering with children's play today.

What needs to be done? Perhaps a long, drawn-out road. As long as there is a media that sells and parents that buy, there will end up being less childhood. Let the children play, smile, get dirty, run. Leave them in direct contact with nature, practice meditation, Yoga, pay attention, look into the eyes. Small changes that can make a huge difference in your everyday life and in children's play that is so important.

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