Is it possible to have a healthy relationship? Practice self-love!

Marital conflicts are part of every relationship.

Between pain and pleasure, suffering and peace, relationships teach the art of loving. This is our great mission. Learning and growing together, which exemplifies in practice what we need to change in ourselves. Every couple goes through difficulties and problems of all kinds. In adversity, the couple has the opportunity to strengthen the relationship on solid foundations that are built through love!

Realizing that everyone has their role in the relationship and can contribute positively during crises. Sometimes, for the crassest reasons, arguments start and the battle of competition takes over the relationship. Whoever is the toughest will receive the trophy. This is the face of the ego! He thinks for himself and cares little to become aware.

But just as selfishness induces the most insane emotional reactions, it also ends up promoting inner suffering. Ah, then we find ourselves alone in a corner, not knowing what to do with the pieces that were left. Repentance, pain, loneliness… This is the moment when, in the calm of selfishness, the heart and conscience manifest themselves, showing that all that fuss was useless.

Therefore, before any destructive emotion, we have to learn to expand our consciousness. the so famous self knowledge. First, learn not to blame the other for what we feel, think and do. Be aware of our responsibility in the relationship.

Recognize when we are being guided by the ego:
  • Demanding too much from the other, wanting to take possession, manipulate.
  • Excessive jealousy is a poison that ends any possibility of a healthy relationship.
  • Criticizing, judging and condemning the partner, always blaming him for his suffering and marital unhappiness.
  • Play the role of needy and victim all the time.

These and many other traps that we will see and talk about in other articles are ego impositions that we must eliminate. Many times love does not happen, because we lack the recognition of ourselves. Not knowing how to deal with our emotions. We react unconsciously, automatically.

Is it possible to have a healthy relationship? Practice self-love!Love is always liberating for the couple. It will flow into the relationship with each conflict, teaching and making the relationship rewarding. However, for it to manifest, it takes attention to realize at what point you are being inflexible, judgmental, limited. Stop focusing on the other and get in touch with you!

Yes, this is the way of healthy relationship. practice the self love.

When you awaken your conscience, you stop depending on your partner and stop manifesting in selfishness.

Self-love is the way to love yourself and others.

Second step:

Practice self-awareness. Stop complaining about the relationship, the other and yourself. Self-love begins when we accept who we are and then we also begin to accept the other as they are, light and shadows. All changes, as I always say, are made in practice. Forget recipes that bring fetched theories. We are body, mind, feelings, energy and spirituality. The multidimensional being that manifests itself in emotions. None of these elements can be neglected.

Shall we start practicing?


Whenever we talk about practice around here, we will have meditation as a powerful tool. There are many people who confuse what is meditative practice and the state of meditation.

I will try to bring in each article, a little about how it can change your pattern of health or imbalance, whatever sector of your life we ​​are working therapeutically.

Today, you will perform the practice of self-love.

  • In a quiet and cozy place, sit in a comfortable position, trying to keep your spine and head straight.
  • You can set the mood with soft music and an air freshener, with a few drops of lavender essential oil.
  • Close your eyes and bring your focus to your chest, to your heart.
  • Try to feel him pulsing and greet him.
  • Visualize the pink light energy expanding from it like a pink sun in all directions.
  • In him dwell your spiritual essence and unconditional love.
  • Imagine, feel, visualize an angel's hand touching your heart center at the same time you literally touch it with your hands.
  • At this moment you and this angel become One in touch with your heart.
  • Ask the angel for healing and inner peace.
  • Stay in this practice for as long as you deem necessary, feeling loved and supported.
  • Realize the pink light enveloping your entire aura and environment.
  • An immense peace will fill your soul.
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