Is it possible to be happy all the time?

A good question is: what is real happiness? Very attached to definitions and demands within the social pattern, the term happiness is used to designate achievements, mainly material and status in general. However, real happiness is something very relative and personal, everyone has their own way and yet, it is not necessarily continuous and constant.

Being happy is much more related to doing things that bring you well-being and joy, than having what is considered important by others.

happiness of each

Analyzing the sensations provided by happiness, we can conclude that it comes from the satisfaction of desires. That is, when we feel a need or desire for something and we supply it, we feel happy and satisfied.

Naturally, we must understand what makes us really happy so that we can differentiate from what is said to be simply happiness. Buying a big car or having the perfect body can be seen as the best way of life on television, but if that's not your own honest truth, there's no point in insisting.

We often seek to achieve things that don't even make us happy, but that are part of a demand that is already rooted in the way of life we ​​are part of.

The joy of living resides in the satisfaction of one's desires and should not, therefore, be generalized. Personal satisfaction is much greater and more lasting than pleasing the eye of the beholder. The most valuable and authentic is in pleasing yourself and achieving self-fulfillment.

Step bigger than the leg

In this incessant search we must be careful not to exaggerate. When we put happiness as a higher goal, we leave it further and further away from us. The one who is always striving to be happy ignores many things that are already present and that already make him happy, but they don't seem enough. This is due to the emergence of a utopian ideal that makes the task eternal and life always unsatisfactory.

Don't let your path be full of voids, fill them with small things and know how to value what, in the present, is capable of making you happy.

The poles

There is no way not to have “breaks” in moments of happiness. It is true that we have times in our lives when everything seems to be going well and well, how delicious! We must make the most of them, however, we all know that ahead we will have obstacles, disappointments and falls, which must also be strongly faced, but which break this continuity.

This is all normal, analyzing in practice, every love also causes pain, every achievement has its losses along with it, every cause has its effect, so every happiness has its sad side.

come and go

Like any other sensation, happiness comes and goes. It is not possible to be happy all the time.

Some are the factors that give us joy and yes, it lasts. Which does not mean that at other times we are sad, on the contrary, we can live very well all the time but there will always be something “missing”, which when complete will lead us to a state of happiness.

Is it possible to be happy all the time?

Clear proof that she cannot be constant forever is in the various reasons that can shake her. In the same way that some simple everyday factors stamp a smile and our face, many others are capable of eliminating it.

The balance between moments of joy and sadness is part of the human cycle and if we could define what happiness actually is, the perfect description would be there. THE harmony between good and evil, without forcing any feelings or disguising true sensations, makes the human being live fully and know how to enjoy the good moments of life to rejoice and the bad moments to grow.

It is good that happiness is intermittent, it is good that we have falls and big steps, one action depends on the other and motivates us to live. It's always good to have something to chase and fight for, it's always constructive to challenge yourself and get to know yourself more to identify what literally makes you happy.

Even so, it is possible to make it more present and lasting, it's up to you. It is enough self-knowledge and self-confidence so that in the face of situations contrary to your joy, your cards are up your sleeve and you know how to get out of this as soon as possible, finding your well-being and peace of mind.

  • Written by Julia Zayas of Team Me Without Borders.
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