Is daily consumption of capsule coffee good for health?

Coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the world. And since coffee capsules appeared, consumption of the drink has increased even more. But is the daily consumption of capsule coffee good for health?

After all, what is the difference between capsule coffee and powdered coffee? And how can it affect your health? It is on these matters that we shall speak; check out!

Why is capsule coffee so successful?

When capsule coffee was first introduced by Nespresso, a revolution in the world of coffee took place.

After all, capsule coffee makers could make your espresso at home, with a lot of flavor. That is, you would no longer need to go to a coffee shop to taste the delicious espresso.

In addition, it would cost much less to have a capsule coffee maker at home, purchasing different capsules, than to drink the same amount of espresso coffee at a coffee shop.

In other words, the useful and the pleasant were joined!

But the question arose: could the frequent consumption of capsule coffee be harmful to health?

Is consumption of capsule coffee bad for health?

Is daily consumption of capsule coffee good for health?
Teona Swift / Pexels

Before we answer this question, let's talk about whether coffee consumption, in general, is bad for your health.

The big problem with excessive coffee consumption is linked to caffeine. In fact, caffeine is a natural stimulant, present in high amounts in coffee.

When ingested, caffeine causes an increase in heart rate, a slight increase in blood pressure and heightened senses.

In moderate doses, however, caffeine is not harmful.

Already in excessive doses, caffeine can affect the stomach, causing gastritis, stomach pains and insomnia, especially in more sensitive people.

Therefore, the ideal is that coffee consumption is always moderate.

What about coffee capsules?

Coffee capsules, from different brands, are not contaminated with microorganisms that can be harmful to health. So in that regard, there is no concern.

The concern about excessive consumption of coffee in capsules is related to the problems that high consumption of coffee brings.

That is, for people who are more sensitive to caffeine, frequent consumption of coffee capsules can lead to gastritis and other stomach problems, as well as tremors and even anxiety attacks.

But for this, it is necessary to consume a very high amount of coffee and to have greater sensitivity of the individual to caffeine.

In fact, the same amount of coffee, in different individuals, can cause the absence of symptoms or more exacerbated symptoms, for example.

And the environmental impact of the capsules?

Is daily consumption of capsule coffee good for health?
Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

It is also important to mention that the frequent consumption of capsules can lead to another problem: the environmental impact.

After all, when powdered coffee is consumed, the powder can be used in different ways, such as fertilizer.

According to the Institute for Technological Research (IPT), consuming coffee in capsules can be up to 14 times more harmful to the environment than using ground coffee in a colander.

So, what about sustainability?

This is already a concern of some companies, which produce capsules with recyclable materials that can be delivered to stores for recycling.

In this way, companies already have programs aimed at recycling and reusing the material from which the capsule is made.

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The capsules are mostly made of materials such as aluminum and even plastic. Without the correct information, capsules can end up being discarded as common waste.

That's why companies have created recycling programs with incentives for users, so that they can take used capsules to collection points, the stores themselves, and receive benefits when purchasing new capsules.

So, consumption of coffee from capsules is bad for health?

No, consumption of capsule coffee is not harmful to health. What can be harmful is the excessive consumption of coffee, for some people who are more sensitive to caffeine.

When consumed in moderation, capsule coffee is not harmful to health.

It is important to remember that capsules must be disposed of properly.

The ideal is to wash the capsules and separate them for recycling. In this way, the environmental impact that the capsules can cause is reduced.

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