Intuition, trust yours!

    We often prepare for a long time for a given situation. We study the best ways to act, to speak, to perform a certain task and we think about it so much that we even try to prevent mistakes that can happen and we try to devise strategies to deal with these possible failures.

    Then, even though we had done so much to make sure nothing got out of hand, we ended up putting everything at risk. This is probably because we are trying to be much more rational than intuitive. And our intuition plays a key role in our success, learn to use it and trust it and your life will be much easier, I assure you.

    Intuition, trust yours!We have been taught since childhood that we should always do everything in our power to keep control of situations, especially those in which we are challenged in some way. However, time and maturity show us that preparation and study are very important, but listening to our intuition and following our instincts can give us even better results.

    These voices that insist on blowing us with ideas, ways of acting and answers to be given are there for a reason. And if they come from you, they will hardly do anything that can harm you. With due proportions, intuition plays the same role as our feelings and emotions, following these close friends can be better than trying to rationalize everything. That's because when we use reason in excess, we tend to lose the best of us: our spontaneity. We stop being a single person to be part of a huge number of people who only act according to what they expect them to do, and with that we stop standing out in front of a crowd.

    However, to work effectively, you need to make them work in tandem with your safety, self-confidence, and even self-esteem. Otherwise, the result can be disastrous in the same proportion. Trusting yourself is the first step to any plan you have and trusting your intuition can be considered the second. Also remember that intuition will always guide you to what you really want, as your mind and heart are vibrating these energies constantly, and it picks up on that.

    Listen to your heart, your instincts and your intuition and you will have much more satisfying results throughout your life. Stop being a rational robot that follows the crowd and become a unique person who stands out in front of so many people. You just have to win!

    Written by Roberta Lopes of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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