International Day of Peace – Do you know the impact of your choices for nurturing peace?

    Peace, from the Latin pax, is defined as a state of calm or tranquility, absence of disturbances. Derived from the Latin pacem, absentia belli, meaning absence of violence or war.

    “If we are to have peace on Earth, our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class and our nation; and that means we must develop a world perspective.” – Martin Luther King

    The experience of peace begins with allowing oneself to reach the depths of one's being. The connection with the divine, simple, loving, welcoming and luminous essence that pulsates in us.

    I've been wondering about the learnings that the pandemic has brought me, one of them is the depth of solitude and the appreciation of nature.

    The contact, the sensation, the vibration of the vital energy in the body… make living an unparalleled event! Meditation and yoga practices strengthen me and promote deep peaceful experiences.

    Peace is experience, engagement, commitment and responsibility for personal and collective well-being. It is the companion of breathing, without air there is no life and without inner peace there is no quality of life.

    The new era is before us, it was present with the arrival of the coronavirus, the world has changed and calls for conscious engagement in favor of non-violence in all sectors of planetary life.

    Daily we make choices that profoundly impact the experience and presence of peace in our lives.

    I like to observe how people choose vegetables, fruits and vegetables... in the grocery store and at the fair, the way the food is touched, thrown because it “does not fit”, “they are not good”, the way it is placed in the bag, box, or shopping cart... this often ends up “hurting” food, especially the most delicate ones, when they don't fall on the floor and few are those who pick them up and put them back in place, sometimes they kick or run over them.

    “Discarding is an easy attitude, but choosing consciously is a task that demands attention, perception and learning”

    If the selection of food is done in a hurry, mechanically, without the awareness of the whole process that made that apple arrive there to be chosen, how should decision-making be in other areas of life?

    What do I do to experience peace?

    What do I learn from myself about peace?

    How do relationships with other people teach me about peace?

    How can I become a more peaceful being?

    These are some recurring questions in my life!

    Peace is wisdom to: choose, touch, shut up, speak, do, don't do, add, separate, donate, receive help, be creative.

    The seed of peace is in small gestures and shows its fruits in mature attitudes.

    International Day of Peace – Do you know the impact of your choices for nurturing peace?
    Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

    Developing skills such as empathy, cooperation, critical thinking, creativity, leadership, resilience and self-knowledge is essential for conscious peaceful engagement in favor of human dignity, in fact and in law.

    Desiring world peace implies nurturing your inner peace, committing to it and multiplying it daily in a self-sustaining process.

    “Peace is changing from the inside out, it's so cool” – Fernando, 7 years old (playful yoga student in education)

    I share the legend Paz Perfeita, which I love, for being playful, sensorial, imaginative and reflective:

    “There was a king who offered a great prize to the artist who was able to capture perfect peace in a painting. There were many artists who tried. The king looked at and admired all the paintings, but there were only two that he really liked and he had to choose between them. The first was a very peaceful lake. That lake was a perfect mirror where the placid mountains that surrounded it were reflected. Above them was a very blue sky with thin white clouds. Everyone who looked at this painting thought it reflected perfect peace.

    The second painting also had mountains. But they were rough and bare of vegetation. Above them was a stormy sky from which a heavy downpour was falling with sparks and thunder. Down the mountain there seemed to be a foaming torrent of water rumbling. All this turned out to be far from peaceful, but when the king looked more closely, he noticed that behind the waterfall was a bush growing from a crack in the rock. In that bush was a nest. There, amid the noise of the violent layer of water, was a little bird sitting placidly in its nest. Perfect peace.

    What do you think was the winning painting?

    The king chose the second. Know why? “Because,” explained the king, “peace does not mean being in a place without noise, without problems, without hard work or pain. Peace means that despite being in the middle of it all, we remain calm in our hearts.” (unknown author)

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    Meditative practice to inspire you:

    “Choose a quiet, pleasant place… separate a drawing sheet… pencils, colored markers or other materials. Wear comfortable clothes... remember... this moment is for pause... relaxation and self-care.

    Sit in a comfortable position... take care of your breathing, inhaling and exhaling softly and deeply... on the inhale count 4 seconds and on the exhale count 8 seconds... slowly... Repeat the breathing practice... release your muscles, feel your heart, your vital energy circulating quietly…

    Feel the peace growing inside you... with each inhalation and exhalation... a bath of peace invades your entire being... it feels so good... to feel peace!

    Imagine on the screen of your mind what the house of inner peace would look like… its shape, doors, windows, colors, does it have a garden? Create your home… just the way you want it… It's yours… Feel how beautiful it is… bright… happy and simple… Make a mental picture of it… Breathe in and out… gently… open your eyes little by little and now… bring the house of peace… to paper… drawing as you wish… including other elements…

    Play with your house of inner peace… complete the exercise at your own pace… and remember.. taking care of this house depends only on you… leave your drawing in a special place…”

    Good experiences!!!

    You can listen to the podcast of this meditation here

    And follow our profile on instagram

    A loving hug full of Peace!

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