Insights on the Sufi text “This too shall pass” by Nasrudin

There was once a king who said to the wise men of the court:

– I am making a beautiful ring. I have one of the best diamonds possible. I want to keep hidden, inside the ring, some message that can help me in moments of utter despair, and help my heirs and the heirs of my heirs forever. It has to be a little message, so it fits under the diamond ring.”

All who heard were sages, great scholars. They could have written great treatises, but give you a message of no more than two or three words that could help you in moments of utter despair… They thought, looked in their books, but couldn't find anything.

The king had an elderly servant who had also been his father's servant. The king's mother died in childbirth and this servant took care of him, therefore, he treated him as if he belonged to the family. The king had immense respect for the old man, so he also consulted with him. And he says:

“I'm not a sage, or scholar, or scholar, but I know the message. During my long life in the palace I met all kinds of people and I once met a mystic. He was a guest of your father and I was in his service. When he left, as a gesture of gratitude, he gave me this message – the old man wrote it on a little piece of paper, folded it and gave it to the king. — But don't read it, he said, keep it hidden in the ring. Open only when all else fails, when you cannot find a way out of the situation.”

Insights on the Sufi text “This too shall pass” by Nasrudin
Goran Vrakela / Pexels / Canva

That moment didn't take long to arrive. The country was invaded and the king lost his kingdom. He was running away on his horse for his life and his enemies were chasing him. He was alone and the pursuers were numerous. He came to a place where the road ended, there was no way out: in front of him was a precipice and a deep valley; falling for him would be the end. And he couldn't go back because the enemy was blocking his way. He could already hear the horses trotting. He couldn't move on and there was no other way...

Suddenly, he remembered the ring. He opened it, took out the paper, and there he found a tremendously valuable little message, which read simply: “THIS TOO SHALL PASS”. As he read, he felt a great silence hanging over him. The enemies who were chasing him must have gotten lost in the forest, or they must have been wrong, but the truth is that little by little he stopped hearing the horses trot.

The king was deeply grateful to the servant and the mystical unknown. Those words were miraculous. He then folded the paper, put it back in the ring, gathered his armies and reconquered the kingdom. And on the day when he again victoriously entered the capital, there was a great feast with music and dancing, and he was very proud of himself. The old man stood beside him and said:

– This moment is also appropriate: look again at the message.

- What do you mean? the king asked. Now I'm victorious, people are celebrating my return, I'm not desperate, I'm not in a dead end.

– Listen, said the old man, this message is not only for desperate situations, it is also for pleasant situations. It's not just when you're defeated, it's also when you feel victorious. It's not just for when you're last, it's also for when you're first.

Insights on the Sufi text “This too shall pass” by Nasrudin
Me Without Borders / Canva / Getty Images / ConstantinosZ

The king opened the ring and read the message: “This too shall pass,” and again he felt the same peace, the same silence, amidst the crowds cheering and dancing, but the pride, the ego, had disappeared. The king could finish getting the message. He lit. Then the old man said to him:

– Remember that everything happens. Nothing or no emotion is permanent. Like day and night, there are moments of joy and moments of sadness. Accept them as part of the duality of nature because they are the very nature of things.

My perception of the teachings of the fable “This too shall pass”, by the sage Nasrudin:

The wise men of the court are the learnings that we have during life, they are connections that we listen to or not, that are not always right, and are often wrong, or there is just no understanding about something.

The beautiful ring is the feeling

Keeping a message inside the ring is to keep our soul inside the feeling.

The message is the answer for when things don't seem possible, when we feel hopeless, when we are in the deepest despair, when we read, a transforming power will arise, changing these adverse situations.

Insights on the Sufi text “This too shall pass” by Nasrudin
Me Without Borders / Canva / Getty Images / PhotoSlash

The message is the light that shows the way to inner peace. This message is nowhere to be found, as we all have it within us. The aged servant is the life experience we all have.

The lived experiences, beliefs passed from generation to generation, the information learned by itself, in short, everything that, while we are here in this world, on this planet living, serves so that we can BE not who they want us to be, but to BE who we decide TO BE. The mystic is the God of the universe, who in a very simple and natural gesture sums up the whole meaning of living in one sentence: “THIS ALSO SHALL PASS”.

When should we remember this message? When all else has failed, when you can't find a way out of the situation. The country is the moment we find ourselves in today, as we take care of ourselves. Allowing our BEING to be invaded by blocking feelings, conflicts and negative beliefs is destroying the best we have: our life.

The horse can be ready connections to help “escape”, to give relief, to friendships or connections that arise to give hope.

Losing the kingdom is hitting rock bottom.

Insights on the Sufi text “This too shall pass” by Nasrudin
Me Without Borders / Canva / Getty Images / Luis Damas 500px

The enemies that persecute are everything we know is not good for us, and we go on procrastinating, putting it off, thinking it's okay when it's not.

Enemies have names, and some of those names are: routine, physical fatigue, self-indulgence, ingratitude, anger, deconcentration, etc.

They accompany enemies wanting things to be the way we want them, instead of understanding when the universe only sends what we need. An example is being a slave at home, living for and for whomever, leaving your individuality to live the lives of others.

The place where the road ends is called today. Today is when we decide and act or not what to do with our lives. The precipice and the deep valley is the state of death, even though we are alive we can be dying every day.

When we decide to do something that is important to us, whether it be a life mission or something else, we are blessed with the gift of life. Therefore, everything that does not make us feel good begins to cease to exist. Because living is the most beautiful and amazing adventure anyone could ever want to live!

The valuable message: “THIS TOO SHALL PASS” is real.

Everything we experience, our learnings and experiences will pass. We too will pass. Remembering everything that happens could be a contradiction when we learn to clean memories.

Insights on the Sufi text “This too shall pass” by Nasrudin
Me Without Borders / Canva / Getty Images Pro / Boonyachoat

However, it is true to say that nothing or no emotion is permanent. Emotion and feeling have variations and can increase, decrease or cease to be.

Accepting this reality is a way of expressing self-love and showing the world and the universe the best we have. “THIS ALSO SHALL PASS” causes pain. I know how much it hurts, and the cost of that pain is loss.

I lived, and I have lived the "THIS ALSO SHALL PASS".

What I am and how I am today: THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

  • The benefits of spirit messages
  • What does being a winner mean to you?
  • Reflect with the beauties of living your essence
  • Discover how to calm the heart in the face of chaos
  • Reflections on the Present

What I want is important to me.

I face everything and do everything to accomplish what I want so much.

My actions and attitudes are proof of that. Fear turned into challenge; Love I turned into life; Feeling turned into a soul; My being I transformed into energy; My feeling turned into reality; I changed and I have changed.

Transform yourself!

Gratitude! Namaste! Omituopho!

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