Inner silence helps you evolve

    For Buddhism, speaking is a very important act, because by speaking you are releasing energy. With every word you say, a part of your Chi (vital energy) comes out of you. Therefore, it is necessary to choose very well the words that you will use, when to use it and why to use it.

    Words hurt, heal, cheer, sadden, suck and disperse energy. In other words, speaking is an act of great responsibility. Therefore, inner silence is very important. It is where your reflections, thoughts, ideas and conclusions take place. He's the one who also helps you decide what to say and if you really need to do it.

    Inner silence brings wisdom. If you learn to say only what is necessary and correctly, you will know how to speak without losing your Chi. It is worth saying that this means not saying negative things like lies, complaints, foul words, judgments, unnecessary criticism and promises you can't keep.

    You are like the universe. Therefore, if you say negative things, you will receive negativity. So say good and necessary things or say nothing at all. Stay in your inner silence, reflecting, thinking and improving your knowledge, until it is actually necessary to express what you think.

    Silence also allows you to observe, a very important act for evolution. Carefully observe everything around you and leave marks of good things on you. Learn from them. Whatever is bad, throw it away. Only silence provides the experience of observation and learning.

    Inner silence helps you evolve
    Jan Tinneberg / Unsplash

    Be humble, have compassion, don't get attached to things. Talking too much shows that you are arrogant and think you are smarter than others. Silence is the best path to humility, compassion and benevolence. Also, allow yourself to be discreet about your life. Talking a lot and exposing your achievements or desires more than you should can draw negative energies. Keep it all to yourself for as long as you can. Remember that this is not a sign of distrust, but of protection. It is a sign that you are freed from the opinions of people who don't care about you.

    Being silent also helps you understand that competition is unnecessary. After all, the universe itself gives us everything we need: water, energy, food, light and air to breathe. The rest will be the fruit of our karma. Don't allow your ego to grow and swell. Be kind and humble. Preserve your inner peace. There is nothing better in life than knowing how to be calm and peaceful with yourself.

    All these characteristics are achieved through inner silence. It is absolutely necessary to have a moment of inner silence every day – the longer that moment lasts, the better.

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    Practice the art of not talking. Stay quiet. Show respect for yourself, others, the planet and the universe. Feel the strength and power of silence. With this, you will be more tolerant, more humble and wise, in addition to having your Chi preserved.

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