Inform, remember and express: World Photography Day

Ah!… The beautiful art of photography is part of the most important moments of our lives!… Have you ever stopped to think about it? With it, we can tell, read and review stories, in all areas. For all this, World Photography Day is essential!

Did you know that the first photograph was taken by a guy named Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in France? It was in the year 1826. However, the image did not stay there these things, being improved later on.

A portrait or photo is the result of a process called photography, which captures light with the camera.

Do you like to photograph? Follow the article to learn more about World Photography Day!

What is photography?

As we have already said, photography is a technique, that is, a process that captures light, forming an image. Analogously, the process takes place through a photographic film. Already, currently, it can be digital, occurring through an electronic sensor.

Inform, remember and express: World Photography Day
Beautiful Pexels Apichodilok / Canvas

Technically speaking, what can be seen can be photographed. Of course, this process also includes the question of ethics, evaluating what should and should not be shown. In fact, many types of photographs require usage and image rights, you know?

The story of those who record moments

The history of photography is surrounded by many experiences: from the first fixations of an image on paper, to the evolution of digital cameras.

In the introduction to this article, we commented on Joseph Nicephore Niepce as the author of the first photograph, however, there is another very important name in this “tunnel of time”.

The french Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre was responsible for recording a permanent image, using a device: the famous "daguerreotype".

The history of photography is full of curiosities, isn't it? World Photography Day is one of them, it is worth reading the article to find out more.

How did World Photography Day come about?

World Photography Day is celebrated on August 19, and its emergence is due to the fact that, in 1839, the French government acquired the daguerreotype, a modern technology for the time.

Inform, remember and express: World Photography Day
primipil de Getty Images / Canva

It can be said that the invention of photography began there, thanks to Niépce and Daguerre and, of course, to so many others who also ventured into this innovation.

How important is World Photography Day?

It goes without saying that this day is of fundamental importance, because photography is in our lives in many ways, whether in the newspapers, telling us the news, or in advertising, with its photos that promote products.

Not to mention, of course, our daily records, on digital cameras or cell phones — which serve both to show our happy moments and to tell our daily lives on social media.

World Photography Day shows us that everything and everyone has a story. Have you made a record today counting your day?

Photography: the art of informing, expressing and remembering moments

The relationship of photography with time and emotions is something extraordinary, as it shows us the sensitivity of this art.

When reviewing lived moments, through images, we go back in time, messing with all our emotions. The truth is that, when reviewing a photo, we feel as if we are back to that very moment.

Inform, remember and express: World Photography Day
Kaique Rocha from Pexels / Canva

In an art exhibition, we also witness human expression, in some way, and this, of course, also affects us in an intense way. We come out of contact with an image transformed.

What is your relationship with photography? Expression, art or remembrance? Or does it just serve to understand and understand information and news? Whatever your connection to this type of art, the transformation is certain: photography always touches us in some way!

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