In the shadow of two signs

This is a simple analysis, but it will certainly give you some interesting positions on your shadow. If you have an astrologer, ask for a deeper analysis of your astrological house number 4, in which many dark aspects of your soul are kept.

In the shadow of two signsAries (I start)

Aggressiveness and exaggeration in worrying about oneself. In addition to pettiness. He thinks he has a gigantic mission in the world and in his own life, but he hopes that someone will sponsor that mission. He often expects others to solve his problems. He likes everything the way he wants and if something is different he gets bored. He also likes everything quickly and accurately. At times, he only thinks about himself and ends up being rude.

Advice for Contentment: Relax more and accept the point of view of others. Have humility and tolerance, don't lose patience so easily, don't be hard and stop complaining about life. Be yourself and always ask yourself “Who am I?”.

In the shadow of two signsTaurus (I have)

Taurus has the need to possess everything and also an obsessive determination, lack of flexibility, political, religious, family and/or philosophical fanaticism and hardly changes their mind. He can use people without realizing it and be opportunistic. Stubborn, gives unsolicited advice. In addition to being avaricious, obstinate to excess and self-indulgent.

Advice for Contentment: Calmly build your values. Have more flexibility and tolerance. Don't be so spoiled, take care of yourself more and use your willpower with pleasure. Be yourself and discover your worth.

In the shadow of two signsGemini (I communicate)

He talks about everything that is wrong with people and the world, but he doesn't put his philosophies into practice. Irresponsible, thinks he is persecuted, doesn't trust people and only gives a little. Gemini has a self-created insecurity. He is dispersive, chatty to excess and manipulative. His superficiality is exaggerated. He lives with his nerves on edge, which creates a lot of tension.

Advice for Contentment: Trust yourself and people more. It's time to face the world in a realistic way of life. Open multiple ports at the same time. Be yourself and learn more.

In the shadow of two signsCancer (I feel)

Always wanting to protect everyone too much. Cancerians are afraid to expose themselves emotionally, therefore they do not expose themselves completely. He finds excuses for everything, tends to live for others and if these people don't reciprocate love he ends up martyring himself. He spoils too much or is spoiled too much, in addition to an exaggerated pessimism. Dependent, melancholy, he is afraid of feelings.

Advice for Contentment: Acting less negatively and not playing the martyr is fundamental. Feel who needs and who doesn't need protection. Learn to feed. Build your values, love yourself and consequently the next. Be yourself and discover your planetary family.

In the shadow of two signsLion (I shine)

"I the King" syndrome, Leo thinks he's the most generous and open-handed person out there and loves people to need him. He is exaggerated, demanding and vain. He likes to give a lot to not have anyone on an equal footing. At times, he steals the ideas of others, because as king everything is his, and he can be insensitive to the individuality of others. In other circumstances, however, he thinks that he knows everything that is best for others and mainly he thinks that he knows everything in life.

Advice for Contentment: Always develop creativity and try to eliminate your bitter and jealous side. Try not to live surrounded by self-serving people who can erase your shine. Be yourself and know your importance.

In the shadow of two signsVirgo (I analyze)

Obsessive, the native of Virgo tortures himself inside, he thinks he knows everything in life, and can even cut the creativity of others. He keeps saying “Didn't I?”, even when he didn't say anything. He has a fear of the new, the unknown, he wants to control life and any surprise already throws him off balance. He thinks that everyone or everything has a price. He criticizes exaggeratedly, always complains and is a perfectionist to the extreme. Also, it creates meaningless worries.

Advice for Contentment: Recognize that there will always be mysteries in life. Not being so realistic, not exaggerating judgment and criticism, learning to trust, healing and nurturing are fundamental items. Be yourself and adapt to the world.  

In the shadow of two signsLibra (We are)

The natives of this sign have the “don't get too close to me” syndrome, which shows up as a difficulty in allowing too much intimacy. Relationships become a competition for the purpose of conquering and then rejecting. All are mirrors. Sometimes in hot relationships, some fights are even created to move the relationship. Indecisive, moody and manipulative, Libras are often on the fence and end up being superficial. He needs approval all the time. Tendency to sympathize so much with the opposite sex that they may become insecure about their sexuality. He still thinks that there is always something wrong with his body. Come into this life to learn to love and relate harmoniously.

Advice for Contentment: Try to like yourself more the way you are and believe for yourself that you are adorable. Be yourself and know how to relate.

In the shadow of two signsScorpio (I wish)

Exaggerated in the placement of opinions and excessive concern with their own personal values, Scorpio has difficulty having a clear and fair view of people and situations. At times, he has a fixed and prejudiced opinion, especially about the opposite sex, in addition to jealousy and fear of loneliness. People of this sign are slow to trust or forgive, have a bitter and negative view of life - and can completely ignore the other's point of view. Spiteful and possessive, Scorpios come into this life to learn to renew and find security in change. Possessive, suspicious and vindictive.

Advice for Contentment: Discover your great inner power, in which you are often repressed, and do with your life what you want. Be yourself and make many changes in life.

In the shadow of two signsSagittarius (I think)

Mania of feeling very important and/or a friend of important people. He likes to do “small groups”. Overbearing, at times Sagittarius has a tendency to boast. The ghost by choice (mostly religious). It has a 'promise' side. The person of this sign is crazy to overload themselves with tasks and promises things that are impossible to fulfill. Irresponsible, can be rude at various times. They seem generous, but at times they are tight-lipped and if you promise him something and don't deliver, he will be hurt. He comes into this life to learn the truth of life, but he is afraid to find out. Excessive and fanatical.

Advice for Contentment: Allow yourself to be kind, imaginative, funny, intelligent and a learner of life. Be loved for yourself and not just for your fantasies. Just be you and you will always go far.

In the shadow of two signsCapricorn (I perform)

Full of fanaticism and the need to give advice on everything. Capricorn uses limitless authoritarianism, is moralistic and always has a plan to change society, but never puts his idea into practice. Critical, rigid, overly ambitious, sometimes unconsciously cruel and unaffected, he only accepts his way of life. He came to this planet to build his destiny and get his emotions out.  

Advice for Contentment: Try not to take life so seriously and let your imagination run wild. Put your fantasies out and have more fun. Being yourself and discovering your role on the planet is key.

In the shadow of two signsAquarius (The Group)

Self-centered, he does not allow people to disagree with his thoughts of equality and is basically inaffective and capricious. He has a habit of wanting to change the world, but ends up not changing his own life. He loves to say one thing and do another. eccentric and

In excess, he keeps a secret desire that everyone admire him. He really wants equality in the world, but he is selfish with the people around him. He has the psychologist syndrome, that is, he is a person who knows all the theories, but hardly solves his problems. He comes into this life to live in a group and also alone.

Advice for Contentment: Become aware of yourself and everyone else. Know that total selfishness is impossible and that it is necessary to look for some practical way to help humanity. Be yourself and serve humanity.

In the shadow of two signsPisces (The Light)

It knows no limitations, uses everything possible to achieve spiritual experiences. Not perfect sign, as it leaves things for tomorrow. He feels the need for power and at some moments in his life he plays the role of victim (the worst is that they energetically create people who harm them). The natives of this sign find it difficult to give shape to their dreams. Escapist, unrealistic, afraid of reality. Submissive, he appears inert in moments when it would be right to fight, raise his voice and rebel. Has a hidden desire to be the king/queen of the world. Misunderstood Genius Syndrome. The lack of realism leads to a common thought “One day… when the world understands me”. Pisces come into this life to accomplish the impossible.

Advice for Contentment: Really fighting for the realization of your dreams and putting your talents and creativity out is essential. Be yourself and never forget to dream. “We are better and worse than we think we are.” CG Jung

“A tree, in order to touch heaven with its branches, must first touch hell with its roots.” Osho  

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