In the beginning everything is flowers

    In the beginning everything is flowers

    Hi! The sentence “In the beginning everything is flowers” ​​makes sense, the real impression I have is that this sentence, this simple sentence, if verified in depth, will reveal the secret of happiness. It is not only this phrase that can reveal the secret of happiness, but if we also look closely at other specific phrases we will discover that there is a truth so profound that if we learn to enjoy it and experience it, something will change completely.

    It is not theory, it is not just agreeing, but understanding and practicing what is revealed by the phrase “In the beginning everything is flowers”. It has this meaning because when we're at the beginning, whether it's a job, a journey, a trip, or anything you do for the first time, especially at the beginning of a relationship, you still don't have a memory, that is, you are aware of the novelty.

    In the case of relationships, in the beginning everything is flowers because then the tendency is to deteriorate, that is, we do not pay attention to certain aspects, because in the beginning the thing is new, there is no memory, so we need to be attentive, we need to to be the observers of the situation, of ourselves and of the other person. In that state of pure, non-judgmental observation, just watching, the mind is silent and we are aware of reality without thoughts.

    This creates a state of silence, and when we are attentive, our mind tends to freak out less, therefore, at the beginning of a relationship, we, because it is something new, are more attentive and when we are more attentive, the manifestation that comes from us arises. from the inside,

    our best, because it comes from attention itself and not from memory. We are not on automatic, what ruins everything is automatic, at this moment now if I go too much into automatic, more than maybe I am, what will happen is that everything will lose life.

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