in continuous learning

    in continuous learning

    When was your last big learning experience? And what became of him? Does this last lesson still have an effect?

    What if I remind you that today we have all received the first lesson of the day… even before getting out of bed…(?!) Some paid attention and started when waking up, others forgot and left it behind… Can you tell what day do we go in and out of lessons every day?

    Who is jumping over the wall and cheating classes? Watch out! There's an unrelenting law in nature for those who dare to sabotage themselves... their lessons may be waiting right behind the wall! What is the advantage of stopping halfway?

    After I assumed my human condition as an apprentice, everything turned out to be different than it used to. I am learning in every relationship of the day: with people, things, nature. And how exciting it is to relearn!

    Where is the apprentice or the apprentice in you? Who is consciously communicating with his or her apprentice? Who has allowed themselves to learn to relearn?

    I already observe myself as I become aware of it, realizing my size in front of this sky that covers us… look up! See above you and the size of all of us and everything in relation to the sky… how do you feel?!

    Is everything we know so far really enough for us to stop and turn on automatic mode? Each one placing himself bigger than the other even though he knows that they are under the same sky and that from there everyone is the same size? Faced with the entire expanse of land and sea, do we already know everything?

    Honestly, I'm living more peacefully after accepting myself as an apprentice of life when I flaunted myself in a standardized collective guess. And remembering this, I ask: who did I think I was? How could I act like that? But I ask myself humbly and compassionately for knowing now with understanding, understanding my consciousness at that moment that was revealed to be inert and vulnerable. Remembering that being vulnerable differs from weakness, cowardice. Everyone is vulnerable to the phenomena of life, including our human constitution. But we can experience this vulnerability with courage otherwise diminish self-love, victimize.

    So, today, we let the apprentice or the apprentice receive the lessons to grow. May everything we need to know to take the safe and sure steps towards self-mastery be revealed to us. Our master awaits us! We must be prepared!

    We took advantage of this moment, in this school that welcomes us, the Earth offers us all the necessary and sufficient support for our stay. All for free! How far do we recognize this? Respect and value, what are we doing? We are so blessed for the opportunity to grow and evolve with her! May we know how to recognize and greet this blue school every day with great gratitude!

    One of the most important lessons for an apprentice is to respect their own nature of being who they are. And relate from within yourself as opposed to outsourcing. When we are away from our essence, our autopilot outsources everything. Our senses become reflected in others and our responses expressed from the other. We avoid looking inside and expressing what we carry. As a result, we often respond in the third person rather than in the first person.

    Therefore, in my apprenticeship, I have been practicing speaking in the first person, either singular or plural, as the occasion requires. And without entering the sphere of selfishness, but calling attention to individuality, which is where the identity of each one of us is found. How are you expressing yourself? How are you taking care of individuality in your relationships? Have you outsourced your identity?

    Know yourself, but from the inside out. Learn from yourself! It's the moment of the Call, we are very requested in this blue school! We took our seats! Let's write it all down! Rubber too, is also welcome! After all, we don't always write as we learn. We redo!

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    • How vulnerable are you willing to be?
    • Know if your learning will come through love or pain
    • Understand why humility is so valuable
    • Try a Chinese Technique to Activate Wisdom

    All our relationships are lessons. Everything we relate to is a lesson. A houseplant is teaching something; the presence of an animal is a master; the wind that changes direction is teaching; the rain that falls or stops falling without forecast is a lesson; an accessory or instrument brings a lesson; everything that sharpens our senses is also a lesson. Everything that moves us through life is learning. Conclusion: all relationships are lessons.

    We remember our ancestors too, how many riches they left us! Let us know how to honor their lessons and keep them alive with us! Whoever carries in his heart the learning received by his ancestors is equipped with wisdom and applied knowledge. Carry only what you need in your luggage. Learning is continuous, even in the pause of activities there is a lesson.

    Do you know what life says to everyone who is in that Blue School?

    Welcome apprentice!

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