Improve your Communication and your personal marketing!

It is undeniable that knowing how to communicate well in college, at work or even in a circle of friends opens the way to various opportunities, whether for employment, business and relationships of the most varied types.

You are always communicating something about yourself, even when you are silent. Consciously or unconsciously, this happens through the verbal language you express or through your non-verbal language such as your gestures, your facial expressions, your posture or even the way you dress.

Your posture, your conduct and your way of interacting create your brand, that is, your personal marketing.

It is a mistake to think that marketing is only done by companies. Considering that, whether you like it or not, you sell an image of who you are, this is your “brand”! In other words, your personal marketing is what you communicate to other people.

Improve your Communication and your personal marketing!

Therefore, knowing how to deal with people is a requirement that counts for many points. So, for you to build excellent personal marketing, wherever you work, you need to improve your communication. For that, I bring you three exquisite tips:

Live well with yourself. If you want to cultivate a good image, you have to be a positive person, be at ease with life, with YOUR life. I don't say being accommodated, but accepting unfavorable circumstances and working to make it different, if that's the case. You need to be proactive and not feel like a victim of everyday challenges. It is necessary, first of all, to please yourself, because you will hardly please others with your speech if you don't like it, and no one likes to deal with people who have a tantrum with themselves. It is necessary to assume the posture of someone who is willing to improve themselves continuously and, above all, to feel that they are someone who has something interesting to share. Anyone who is not happy with life will not feel that way.

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Live well with others. Have a predisposition to establish harmonious relationships and to nurture a healthy social life. Be empathetic, observe how people would like to be treated, and try to treat them well. But treat them with sincerity, because sincerity is fundamental, since falsehoods are easily detected and are not beneficial. That doesn't mean you have to express yourself with hostility, eh? Kindness is good and everyone likes it. In addition, have visibility to be someone remarkable, as the saying goes: “who is not seen is not remembered”. Offer yourself, but always respect yourself!

Learn to listen to people. Before being the one who speaks, put yourself as the one who listens, or rather, who listens attentively and sincerely. People are enchanted by those who know how to listen to them, which is why being a good listener is one of the fundamental requirements to be an outstanding communicator. If you don't pay attention to people and don't listen to what they have to say, you won't know what they think and feel, so you won't know how to say what they would actually like to hear. People highly value those who listen to them. Listening to them you will certainly be seen very well by them and will undoubtedly be remembered as well.

Improve your way of communicating with your colleagues, friends, family. By doing this, you also improve your personal marketing and enjoy the benefits and opportunities that will come from this new attitude!

Master Oratory. Practice! Communicate!

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