Important tips when buying a wheelchair

Face the wheelchair as an extension of your body, it serves to do what you can no longer do alone. The first thing that should be done is to research all types and models available, from there make a risk on those that you have already seen that do not fit, this is a serious thing, be careful not to regret it later, this chair purchase needs attention , calm and for being a moment most of the time after a difficult news, it needs to be faced with head high and with pride for being able to.

There are several wheelchair options on the market. There are also ways to adapt, to make it useful. Going to the store and trying on the chairs is a great option, so you can see what you need the chair to have, what it can't have, etc. You have to think about comfort too, the lighter, the more comfortable.

Before buying there are two words that define well what needs to be done: PATIENCE AND RESEARCH.

Patience not to go out buying anything, just because you thought it was beautiful or just because the salesperson “pushed” you and said it was the best.

Research yes, in fact a lot of research! Above all, if you have technical assistance where you live, if there are complaints, the accessories are no longer expensive. Battery time, does it close to fit in your transport vehicle? Does the width pass through the doors and hallways of your home? Etc. Everything has to be done calmly.

Important tips when buying a wheelchair

chair types

motorized wheelchair – It is a sign of independence for those who need it, as it is not necessary to make any kind of effort to get around. Just move the joystick. However, its price is very high and it is not very affordable. There are ways to get it by the government. Access Jackson's article and learn more about it.

There are models with a two battery system (mine is like this), another advice would be to wait for the warning that the battery is at the end (red on), turn it off and put it to charge (don't sit on it while charging). In my case, when it's fully charged, the font color changes to green.

It is important to note the capacity (weight) that the chair can withstand, as it is important that the chairs use GEL or VRLA batteries. These batteries allow air transport, in addition they accept many charge and discharge cycles.

Manual Chairs – The costs are much lower and there are very large variations in values. It has a wide variety of adaptations available on the market, but not everyone can get around alone with it. When the upper body is also hit (in my case for example), I wouldn't have any independence, I would always need someone to push.

Therefore, it can offer, in some cases, much less independence compared to the motorbike.

There is a subdivision of manual chairs into at least two more types: standard and active.

Standard – They are less compact. They are for people who do not have the autonomy to move alone in a wheelchair or who have moderate impairment of the upper limbs, always needing a caregiver.

Ativa – Manufactured in a very personalized way, with the intention of providing the best possible form of adaptation, spending as little energy as possible in their movement. They are mostly light and compact.

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