Importance of the act of giving thanks

    In the wheel of life, when the cycles turn, it is important to make room daily for the practice of the virtue of Gratitude. On the path of the Council of Great Mothers, the 12th Elder is the guardian who prays, and she teaches us the real meaning and value of the act of giving thanks. She says that when we remain grateful and grateful for all the lessons we experience, even in the face of difficult days, we make room for abundance and strengthen inner strength.

    All lessons received throughout life are like healing opportunities, as these experiences bring gifts of life, like a circle of blessings that we receive from the Universe. In this sense, being grateful allows us to rediscover the importance of participating in life in an act of receiving as well as giving.

    In the Universal Sacred Laws, the act of Giving and Receiving is also keeping the heart in joy and being grateful for all the opportunities that are given to us daily, such as the rays of the Sun, the drops of rain, the moist and fertile earth, our health, the act of breathing, pure water, our ability to move and so many other gifts, which, being so subtle, may not be appreciated, so we can let slip “by the hands” the opportunity to observe the beauty of so much magic that is offered to us daily.

    Importance of the act of giving thanks
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    True happiness is not in that which brings the illusory idea of ​​filling empty space with material objects and possessions, because the blessings are found in the totality of the being, in humanity towards the true change of consciousness about the right attitude and action in the changes of heart, in the face of the miracles of life. Giving thanks is an act of prayer and Praying is learning the lessons of becoming a human who appreciates the beauty of what already exists on Earth, at our disposal. Celebrating life and being deeply grateful for all that is delivered by the Divine nature can make us truly whole, whole and happy. Thus, the Wheel of Life turns again, bringing new experiences and more joy.

    To feel it, it is important to understand that negativity steals our energy and that changing these patterns is important to achieve our own life experience. Change the world of perception, of attitude. A new state of consciousness can create magic and miracles in our lives. When we celebrate what we really are, thanking the life we ​​have, we open our hearts in a process of becoming more and more human, establishing a greater evolution of our individual path of peace, of our spiritual evolution.

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    So, have you already thanked today's victory, have you thanked your achievements, the union with everything around you?

    It's never too late to start… I thank you, who read it, and I appreciate the connection I made with you right now!

    A kiss in your heart, I thank you for your light! And I appreciate mine!

    I leave you with the tip of chanting these words daily to strengthen your personal strength of gratitude:

    I will activate gratitude in me!

    I will activate gratitude in me!

    I will activate gratitude in me!

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