Illuminated road: must be calling

    Over the last few days, we have been following several catastrophes, such as the one in Brumadinho, the one at the Flamengo club accommodation and the accident with a famous personality such as that of journalist Ricardo Boechat. And, certainly, at this moment in which we are preparing this article or that the assiduous reader friend of the Estrada Iluminada column in this communication vehicle is reading, several other tragedies, disasters, calamities, various accidents are happening around the world, which end up taking lives abruptly. .

    Illuminated road: must be calling

    In fact, these events shock all of us who follow the news, but are even sadder in the communities they are linked to and for the people close to them involved., such as friends and family.

    We often wonder why God allows such disasters to happen, when He is revered by all as good. And we replied that although kind, he is fair, and at some point in the future, anyone who has not yet reached the conclusion why such tragedies happened, will.

    It is also true that in order to understand the Creator's goals, we have to evolve to a satisfactory level of intellectuality, because today we are still on a much lower evolutionary scale compared to Creation.

    On the other hand, each one of us has its individuality, because as the philosopher Léon Denis said, we are a Divine Spark projected in the material world. We conclude that each of us has his own story.

    Illuminated road: must be calling

    We must also consider that each one has a time to remain on Earth, and when this time runs out, we return to the Spiritual Homeland, and the way in which this passing takes place is related to the history of each one, both of those who leave, as well as who are emotionally involved with what happened.

     Give that call that we are very fragile and powerless in the face of the Greater Father's designs.

    Man has not yet managed, although he is in the XNUMXst century, to understand what it means to have the opportunity to live on this Planet! You haven't stopped to think why you're here. I am no longer talking about questioning where we came from and where we are going. There are people who think they came into the world on a trip, and make their lives a real parade over the years, without doing anything important in the field of solidarity, for example.

    Illuminated road: must be calling

    Man forgets what happened in the past, where people were placed in large arenas to be devoured by wild beasts, simply for fun! Could it be that these sad events that we are currently experiencing have nothing to do with the past tense? Wouldn't they be the rescues as many comment?

    As long as love remains relegated, only to issues of economic, sexual, self-interested and other irrelevant nuances, together with anguish, should devastate us, as it certainly contains the call for us to wake up to something great. Let's think about it.

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