If I cried or if I suffered, the important thing is what emotions I lived!

    “…whether I cried or suffered…

    the important thing is what emotions I lived!

    (Robert Charles)

    I have with me, my dears, in my humblest belief, that emotional intelligence occurs precisely through how we resolve ourselves in the face of emotions, I mean, whether they are good or not, learning will always prevail and this can take time, of course, but even so, we take into account the challenge of going through the moment packed in a mixture of pain, uncertainty and faith.

    In our lives we go through, we live, we go through the most diverse moments when it comes to emotions, and many of them are so conflicting that they can put in check truths that we had as pre-established, erroneous judgments of ourselves and an endless bitterness that it can later result in health problems, taking away the taste of living each day as if it were a novelty, a gift, a blessing!

    You know when we were kids and everything seemed new to us? So, we often lose this enchantment in the face of life since in our minds the idea of ​​the good, the happy ending, is confused with daily struggles, the bitter taste of losses, betrayals and competition... But why keep this spirit so low? For what?

    The other day I saw a little girl no more than six years old running after a car, waving her hands in a happy and smiling gesture, blowing kisses to her friend, in the car... I wondered how long I haven't done this... I mean, not necessarily saying goodbye to my friends, running after the car (uh... And why not?), but it's been a long time since I woke up to the simplest and most pleasurable emotions, the ones that make us laugh for nothing, that make us “silly” ” adored and that rejuvenate us… Wow, now I've really convinced myself to run after my friend's car!

    If I cried or if I suffered, the important thing is what emotions I lived!

    We have a duty to take care of ourselves, be happy by choice and not let the shuttlecock fall… We must cherish ourselves and have in ourselves the greatest of allies; no matter what has been done to you in the past, no matter what they think or say about you; only you have the power to live your life as you want and to stop worrying about other people's opinion is a matter of intelligence; even health!

    Smile more, run after cars more, be more friends with yourself and then you will have friends around you... Say what you're feeling, say no when necessary and learn more about yourself. Really leave the past behind! Resolve with your present, with what you actually have and forgive yourself when you are not ready to forgive others. Be true to yourself and your feelings and respect yourself from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep.

    Don't remember about the harm done to you, don't think about those who did you any harm; instead, try to think about what you have become after this shaking of life and what you can still do for yourself: take care of yourself, give yourself the chance to seek new paths and start a change every day, be it external or internal… Whatever, just don't get stagnant!

    And finally: don't be ashamed of anything you've done: empower yourself by saying that good or bad you learned from the fact. Be happy friend and live your life as you deserve. Be very happy! Forward, always!

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