Ideas: From creation to practice

    I've been thinking about the practical meaning of the word start, because in theory it's all very easy, but putting something into action can be more complicated than we think. The difficulty is what we put in our head, because most of the time, we think a lot and act little. The problem may be too much detail or even not knowing how to get the ball rolling.

    You plan thousands of things in your mind, from the simplest to the most complex: a trip, opening a new business, starting a music career, changing jobs, and so on. There are so many things that go through our minds that we could even lose focus, which is not cool, after all, Drawing a starting point is fundamental to putting an idea into practice.

    Everyone is good at something, just finding out what, and for that, having a little more perception to capture the gift we have, makes all the difference. It becomes much easier to determine what we want for our lives when we know our vocation.

    However, it is not always easier to start something from the moment we discover our affinities, because even showing what we know how to do best, conflicts of ideas can occur, and then, we return to the initial problem, how to start? You think and you can't execute your ideas, and suddenly, you see your life stagnant.

    However, I am sure that this problem can be solved, from the moment you start to have positive attitudes, after all, it is not possible to leave the place without starting the walk.

    Ideas: From creation to practiceOpportunities don't fall from the sky, so if they don't appear, run after them. Plan something without committing excesses, so that the idea becomes concrete, bringing with it the best part, which is the realization.

    In the end, what remains is the feeling of accomplishment, for doing what we like, and obviously in the best possible way, because when we do something, uniting will and vocation, everything flows more naturally and the results are gratifying, but this will only be possible from the moment that “starting” lets from being an idea to becoming an attitude.

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