I want to manifest my Soul Mate!

We are all attracted or rejected by our individual ways and by other people's strengths and weaknesses. Some people are attracted to mental strength, others to physical strength, and some are attracted to what they understand to be power. We are all drawn to different things in people because of our instinctual beliefs. The key is recognizing whether these attractions are to our benefit or detriment.

That's why it's so important to know what I want to attract to me, before manifesting for a more compatible soulmate. If you're going to manifest a soul mate, first of all you have to make sure it's really what you want.

I want to manifest my Soul Mate!

Are you ready to share your life with someone?

Ask your heart if you are really ready to share everything with someone else. Are you looking for a soulmate or someone to fulfill your desires?

What's the worst thing that can happen if you get what you want? Is there a voice inside you that tells you you don't deserve this or makes you worry about what will happen when you get it? Work on this voice, on the beliefs that may be holding you back from finding your most compatible soulmate.

If you ask the Creator to take you to where you should be to find your soulmate, are you sure you are ready to move to that place? If you have a soulmate, are you ready to spend time with them? If you're bored with just one partner, maybe it's because you don't have the gene for monogamy, which 50% of men and 70% of women carry.

I want to manifest my Soul Mate!

It's easy to make judgments and misconceptions about the energies of men and women when it comes to relationships. In every relationship, couples will “take on roles” that predominantly represent male or female energy, whether the partners are two females or two males.

This is also true of heterosexual relationships. Never assume that the man is the head of the family – because some couples switch roles in reaction to the special characteristics of that particular relationship. If the relationship is truly balanced, couples can change roles with each other and you don't know who the dominant person is, as long as neither person dominates the other.

All of these things come into play when you are manifesting a soul mate. So even if you feel like you're fully prepared, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you want a soulmate now or do you want a mate now?
  • Do you have something to offer someone else?
  • What makes you the prize (being attractive to others)?
  • What do you know about the opposite sex?
  • Are you willing to learn and always keep learning?
  • Do you know that you deserve to fulfill your dreams?

I want to manifest my Soul Mate!

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Know what you want

Once you're sure you're ready to manifest a soul mate, you need to know exactly what you want, you have to be very specific. You have to be precise about the gender you want to attract, even the species, because if you ask for someone who loves you unconditionally, you can get a dog.

  • Do you want a rich soulmate?
  • Do you want her to be single?
  • Do you want her to share her journey with you?

Many people will sit down and write a long list of what they want in someone else. Many people write down everything they can think of but forget the most important thing: that your soulmate is compatible with you and that you are in love.

Never ask for a perfect soulmate as they can be too perfect. Instead, ask your most compatible soulmate. If you have a preference for someone who is sexually faithful, specify that your soulmate has the monogamy gene.

The following exercise will help you clarify what you want and, more importantly, what you have to offer in return:

Know what you want in a soul mate

Write on a list: “I have my most compatible soulmate and she is”:

  1. List four traits you want in a soul mate.
  2. Ask the other person what they think is important in a soulmate and pick out two of the traits they consider.
  3. Write down the four best qualities you have to offer your soulmate.
  4. List two qualities that others see in you.
  5. List all the qualities your soulmate will have.

Note the following:

  • If you command that you have your most compatible soulmate now, you will attract whoever is the most compatible person at the moment. This might not be the most compatible of all. Remember the Law of Attraction “You attract what you vibrate.”
  • If you want someone to spend their life with you, instead of saying you want a compatible soulmate, ask for your most compatible divine life soulmate.

I want to manifest my Soul Mate!

How to manifest?

Manifesting: pyramid exercise to find your soul mate.

One of the most important exercises for calling your soulmate is the following meditation to bring abundance of all kinds. In this exercise, we are using the energy of the pyramid to amplify manifestation.

Asking for your compatible soulmate

  1. Center yourself in your heart and visualize the descent into mother earth, which is part of all that is.
  2. Ascend your crown chakra in a ball of light and project your consciousness beyond the stars into the universe.
  3. Go beyond the universe, through the layers of light, through the golden light, through the gelatinous substance that is the laws, to a pearly white iridescent light, the Seventh Plane of Existence.
  4. Make the command to your subconscious and ask the Creator: “Creator of all that is commanded that my most compatible soul mate be brought to me, and that she has these attributes [list attributes]. Grateful! It's done, it's done, it's done."
  5. Witness the call to your most compatible soulmate being sent. See yourself standing under a huge pyramid. See the energy of your order being sent to the center of the pyramid to be magnified and sent out into the universe.
  6. Once the process is over, wash with the energy of the seventh plane and stay connected to it.

Manifestation for 10 days

Take your list of all the things you want your soulmate to be and put it on your bed. And do this every day, for at least 10 days.

Each morning, meditate on being the person you want to be and being in your soulmate relationship.

Suggested Affirmations

Read these affirmations every night before going to sleep for ten days.

Every day, in every way, I get better.

In every way I am allowing the universe to bring me my compatible soul mate.

My compatible soulmate is in my life at the right time.

I get better and better every day.

I know how to respect that love.

I deserve this love.

I am the prize.

I know how to recognize my most compatible soulmate.

Suggestion for women: have a moonstone. This stone brings your soulmate to you, stimulates lucid dreams, enhances psychic abilities, calms emotions.


ThetaHealing® has been helping thousands of people around the world to find their Soul Family and also to find their most compatible soul mate. Contact this technique through the DNA Basics course or for a therapy session with a ThetaHealer®.

You may be interested in another text by the same author. Access: How do people find their soul mate?

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