I see flowers in you. Welcome spring!

I see flowers in you. It's spring, and I see renewal, transformation and beauty in everything around us. After all, this is the time of year when the most beautiful takes the opportunity to blossom in nature and in our hearts.

But what's behind spring's smells, colors and textures? What happens during this period? In this article, you will learn a little more about the happiest season of the year, as well as its importance for the flora and fauna of the planet. Follow along and see what you can learn from her.

What is spring?

The term spring comes from the Latin “primo vere”, which means “before summer”. This is because this is the season of the year that follows winter and precedes summer, leaving behind the gray of cold days and preparing the ground for the arrival of more intense solar rays.

I see flowers in you. Welcome spring!
dimitrisvetsiskas1969 / pixabay

To mark this passage, there is the spring equinox: the exact date on which day and night have the same duration, 12 hours each, as the Sun shines more intensely in the middle of the terrestrial globe, where the Equator is located. . From there, the days get longer and the nights get shorter. Until the solstice, which begins the summer.

But beyond that, you might be wondering: what happens in spring? The truth is that there are several typical transformations of this period. Later, we will better understand what this means in practice.

When does spring start?

Before getting there, we need to understand when this season of the year begins and ends.

In the Southern Hemisphere, where España is located, the beginning of spring is between the 22nd and 23rd of September, and its end, on December 21st or 22nd. Here this period is called the austral spring.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the name changes: it is the boreal spring. It starts between March 20th and 21st and ends between June 20th and 21st.

Around the middle of the season, there is the height of spring, called by the ancients beltane. It is in this period that the renovation reaches its apex: everything is colorful and vibrant, showered with fertility everywhere. It is when the spring day reaches its full splendor.

One way to celebrate is to pick a bunch of broom and hang it until midnight on the door of the house, so that the sun shines on it and brings abundance. It is also possible to take advantage of outdoor activities in order to receive healing.

Here, we already gave a spoiler of what the spring weather is like, but we need to remember that it is not the same in all corners of the planet. Let's see below what their differences are depending on the country.

Spring in Spain and in the world

What explains the spring discrepancies between one hemisphere and the other is precisely the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun.

In España, for example, the arrival of this season of the year brings with it some changes, such as more recurrent rains in the late afternoon and gradually more intense heat and humidity (although milder than in summer).

I see flowers in you. Welcome spring!
StockSnap / pixabay

However, due to its continental proportions, each region of the country perceives spring differently:

  • Not North: the rains increase gradually, but the temperatures are maintained.
  • Not Northeast: drought usually persists, with the same high temperatures throughout the year.
  • Not Center-West and not Southeast: thermometers rise, but masses of cold air are also present, accompanied by strong winds and even hail.
  • Not South: the rains remain frequent and torrential with intense winds, and the temperature increases little by little.

In the rest of the Southern Hemisphere, temperatures are milder as the southern oceans are still warming. Spring is characteristic in countries further away from the Equator and which have four well-defined seasons.

The same rule applies to the Northern Hemisphere, where we can cite the examples of Russia and Japan. In the latter, the cherry trees bloom, a moment of celebration among the natives.

But, after all, what can we call a “characteristic” spring? What are the attributes that make it different from other seasons? Meet below.

spring characteristics

We can define spring based on the following characteristics:

  • Mild temperatures
  • Most active pollinating animals
  • Landscape revival
  • Increased humidity and heat
  • Higher incidence of rain
  • Breeding season and nest building among animals
  • Gradually longer days and shorter nights

You may not realize it, but all these changes have well-defined effects on flora, fauna and even on us humans. He doubts? Then continue reading.

What are the effects of spring?

What happens in spring is that there is an increase in the incidence of sunlight on Earth. This influences the body's synthesis of vitamins, hormones and neurotransmitters.

Indirectly, therefore, it stimulates the functioning of the kidneys, the production of substances responsible for male sexual characteristics and physical disposition in men and women, and the processing of mood, generating more happiness.

I see flowers in you. Welcome spring!
nemchinowa from Getty Images/Canva

The animals also become more active as they leave the burrows they hibernate in during the winter. Hummingbirds and bees, pollinating animals, take the opportunity to increase their activity, continuing the reproductive cycle of plants.

No wonder, it is the time when plants bear more fruit and flowers, hence the beauty of spring, which we will know in more detail below.

How is nature during spring?

What draws the most attention is how the landscape looks in spring. There are several flowers that give the air of grace: daisy, rose, sunflower, jasmine, tears of Christ, chrysanthemums, violets, buttercup, hydrangeas, daisies, hibiscus, daffodils and many others.

This encourages people to tend to their gardens and encourages animals to move more, as we've seen. Therefore, the singing of birds becomes more frequent, along with the sound of rain and the whistling of the winds.

At this time, the diversity of colors is also pleasing to the eye, as the flora decides to show its full potential at once. The sun's rays, more intense, shine in this color palette, making everything even more beautiful with shades of gold.

In a way, spring brings with it the power of renewal – and that is precisely what we are going to reflect on now.

Or what to learn like spring?

So much transformation and novelty drive us to make our soul vibrate at a new frequency, marked by rebirth and hope.

I see flowers in you. Welcome spring!
Getty Images/Canva Urupong

The freshness of spring is ideal to seek the warmth that was lacking during the winter, focusing our strength on what we can really do to overcome the problems in our way.

It is the key moment to clean everything that is dead, outdated or loaded and make room for the new, the clean, the light. And this transformation, like the one that happens in nature, must come from the inside out, through deep and individual reflection.

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  • Reflect on the transformations that accompany spring
  • Immerse yourself in the teachings of the spring equinox
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Therefore, we can never leave aside respect for nature. It teaches us and shapes us every season, even if we don't realize it. We are a reflection of the environment, and if we want to continue to see flowers in each other, we need to take care of the place we live in – and not just during spring.

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