I AM Journey: Are you a normal person?

Second episode: Welcome to the second episode of Jornada do Eu Sou, a project that was born with the aim of helping you on the path of self-knowledge and recognition of who we really are.

If you haven't watched the first episode yet, I recommend you go there to see it, as the subjects of the videos are sequential, and maybe it makes more sense to follow in order.

I AM Journey: Are you a normal person?
Cottonbro's photo on Pexels

To watch video 1, CLICK HERE.

At first glance, today's topic may seem easy, after all, when someone asks you if you're normal, most likely you answer yes. But will it? If you consider yourself normal, are you satisfied with the person you have become? Or is what he shows to the world nothing more than a character created with the aim of protecting himself from the judgment and pressure he would suffer to be authentic?

Today's content will take you to some extremely important questions in the process of delving into yourself and the quest to live your truth. Understand the difference between being normal and natural!

I AM Journey: Are you a normal person?

Exercise for self-knowledge:

In each article we will bring some exercises related to the theme of the video to guide you on this journey. Shall we go to today?

Before starting, I recommend that you prepare yourself, to have the best use of the practice. Choose a quiet spot and preferably do the exercises when you are sure you will not be interrupted. This is your moment, make the most of it.

My tip to start this process is to take a deep nasal breath three times: inhale deeply through your nose for a count of 4, hold your breath for 4 seconds and release, also through your nose, for a count of 4 more. Empty your mind; pay attention only to the breath. Feel the air entering your nostrils and then leaving. This will bring you to the present moment and facilitate the development of the exercise.

As you read each question, try not to rationalize the answer, that is, try not to answer with reason, with your mind. Prefer to feel. Let the feelings come and just observe them, and then develop your response.

1 – Are you satisfied with the life you lead today?

2 – What have you stopped doing or what have you had to give up due to social pressure (parents, family, friends) and/or fear of what people would think?

3 – If the genie in the lamp appeared in front of you and granted you just one wish, what would it be?

4 – Describe what your dream life would be like. Pay attention to the details: where he would live, what his house would be like, whether or not he would have pets, if he would have a relationship and what that person would be like. Would he have children? What would your job be, your way of dressing? What would your group of friends be like and what would you talk about? Would you like to live alone? What would this life be like? Remember: here you don't have any impediment factors, such as lack of money, judgment, pressure or guilt, for example. Here everything is possible. Allow yourself!

I AM Journey: Are you a normal person?
Foto de Dane Wetton no Unsplash

After you're done, go for a walk, have a coffee or something you like and reread your answers (this break should be about 1 hour); see how you feel about what you have expressed. Notice your emotions (surprise, anger, joy, sadness, satisfaction), observe your body (whether it's expanded, chest open, relaxed or muscles contracted, jaw locked, heart racing). All of this is part of this process, and these perceptions gradually become clearer. If you wish, write everything down.

If you have any questions about the exercises, about the process itself, or if you just want to vent and exchange experiences, leave your message below or look for me on Instagram: @carolinazambelo.

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I hope that you enjoyed! I look forward to seeing you in the next episode for another stage of this beautiful journey! In addition to more reflections, I will bring a continuation of the exercises.

Be alright.

Ah O
We continue!

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