How to stop fake news?

    Philosophia's method of getting to the truth!

    All over the world, there is a wave of fake news, that is, the term “Fake news” has never been so high. As contemporary man is “formed” daily by thousands of pieces of information, he does not have any instruments (training, time or money) to separate what is true ou false.

    In the midst of so much fake news, it seems the truth has given way to the lie. Hence the difficulty one has to know what is true and what is a lie. Indeed, we think that philosophy can contribute greatly to the truth clarification process. From its origins, especially from the ideas of Plato, Philosophy is Eros and, as such, it must attract everyone.


    How to stop fake news?

    Philosophy, while “attraction” to the truth, is polysemic and few are those who know its true meaning. Just like the words love, ethics, solidarity, power, etc., the word Philosophia has been paying the price for becoming so popular. Nowadays it is common, that is, almost natural, for people to talk about “company philosophy”, “team philosophy”, “church philosophy”, as a single thing. No, it's not! It is necessary to seek the meaning and meaning of words and things. It is necessary to know what each thing means, what it means, what the message is, etc.

    To stay in the field of education, of teaching, let's analyze the word Philosophia. It comes from the Greek and is formed by “Philo”, which means friendship and love, and “Sophia”, which means wisdom and knowledge. Literally, Philosophia means "friend of wisdom". However, contemporary philosophers prefer to call it the “love of knowledge”. This is because love is what moves all sciences, whether exact, biological, human or social.

    As a Philosophia teacher, I usually teach my students that Philosophy is common sense, fake news. On the contrary, Philosophy is a reflective, critical and speculative attitude. Philosophy, as a set of all science or rational knowledge, is not for everyone. It takes a lot of study, effort, and intellectual preparation to be a philosopher.

    As one of the most characteristic manifestations of today's society, or rather, gives capitalist culturea, is the apparent and uncontrollable search for the simpleton, for Philosophy, and not for Philosophia, it's amazing to see how people are not concerned with the truth. Today's human being prefers to be driven by impulse, instinct, desire, and not by the search for truth. Live in a period of minimal effort, in all fields, in art, in economics, in politics and in science, the truth has become a museum object.

    How to stop fake news?

    Thus, the search for the truth must be the vital energy of every serious intellectual, no matter what segment he works in, whether in religion, journalism, education, politics or science, what really matters is the knowledge of the truth. But this is not what is happening in today's society, because people are being led to believe in words or situations that are actually not true, are false, hence the explosion of so-called fake news.

    Lying or not understanding what each thing means has caused great harm to human beings, especially from an intellectual and social point of view. In other words, it is necessary for human beings to free themselves, as a matter of urgency, from all dominant ideology, from the shackles of consensus, of the purely factual, in order to, finally, live in full harmony with the truth, with philosophy. So when you hear someone talk about Philosophia, notice whether he is telling the truth (Philosophia) or falsehood (philosophies).

    How to stop fake news?Last but not least, it should be noted that only philosophy can put an end to fake news, because it teaches search for the truth, not the possession of the truth. The “positive” moment of Philosophy can help the human being to build better days, however, for this to happen, it is necessary that governments give priority to the teaching of philosophy schools, from children to adulthood. Only then will we find or build the balance of paradise, still in life, here on Earth!

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