How to stop being influenced and manipulated?

Without realizing it, we are constantly influenced by the media and people around us, and we end up following a script that has nothing to do with who we really are.

When we are constantly influenced by the models established by advertising and society, we feel disconnected from ourselves, and there is a feeling of emptiness. And then we feel lost.

With that in mind, we created this content, which brings a proposal for you to connect with yourself, through various attitudes that contribute to being more aware and less influenced. Come check it out!

Attitudes to stop being influenced and manipulated

Here are some action tips that can help you strengthen your will and your inner power, making you let yourself be the target of manipulation and negative influences.

get to know yourself

How to stop being influenced and manipulated?
Hazal Ak from Getty Images/Canva

To stop being influenced at all times, you first need to realize yourself and know your potential and vulnerabilities. Finally, getting to know yourself as you really are, both the light side and the shadow side.


Whoever wants to understand and improve himself, needs to accept himself and assume both his qualities and his weaknesses and defects.

Develop your insights

It is necessary to develop your perception in order to stop being led by the perceptions of others.

Develop confidence in yourself

If you trust others more than yourself, how do you want to stop being influenced by anyone?

Understand that you can't always please others.

The person who seeks to please everyone, ceases to be himself, dividing himself to satisfy the desires of the people with whom he lives. In this way, it loses its identity and annuls itself as a being.

Practice self-observation to see if you are being influenced

How to stop being influenced and manipulated?
Canva Photo Team by Canva Studio Women / Canva

One way to see if you are letting yourself be influenced by others and ceasing to be yourself is through self-observation.

Look at yourself from the outside, see how you react when you listen, talk and interact with other people and to what extent you are being yourself or a fake.

be honest with yourself

Stop wanting to be what you're not, because you think being the other way is better.

Understand that you have your experiences, successes and mistakes and that you are what you managed to be according to your history and trajectory.

You can only evaluate your life on the basis of your progress and personal growth.

The most coherent comparison to make is based on who you were then and how you are now. So focus on your own journey, not that of others.

Identify what your real life goal is

When a person lives according to the dreams of others, he simply fails to enjoy his potential. So, identify your skills, aptitudes, gift and what brings you satisfaction and fulfillment.

Make choices in line with your real nature

Without realizing it, you can end up making choices based on the opinion of others, not what you really want. But to know what you really want, it is necessary to identify your goals, desires, needs and what makes you happy.

Let go of limiting beliefs

Since childhood, we absorb various stimuli, information and impressions, which are not always positive and which become limiting beliefs about ourselves. For example, when our parents praised someone, and then we grew up with the idea that, to be better, we need to be like that person.

Face the fear if you are yourself

How to stop being influenced and manipulated?
Koldunova_Anna de Getty Images Pro / Canva

One of the most limiting fears is that of being yourself, with its contradictions, weaknesses and authenticity.

As incredible as it may seem, this is the greatest challenge of the human being: to be himself!

To face your fears, you need to identify and understand them, without judgment, criticism or condemnation, just understand why they exist. Most of the time, they are just a way to protect ourselves from the disapproval and rejection of others. But the worst thing is not the disapproval of others, but the fact that we disapprove ourselves.

Take responsibility for your life

The more we put ourselves at the mercy of others or blame others for our hurts and suffering, the more we weaken our inner power, because we give power to other people.

Identify your strengths

Instead of focusing on your faults and failures, focus on your strengths and virtues, so that in this way you strengthen your self-confidence and satisfaction. Use these strengths to support overcoming your flaws and limitations.

Put yourself whole in the present

Something that weakens a person too much is that he is brooding over the past or fearful for the future. In addition to wasting energy, she fails to enjoy the present moment and becomes increasingly lost and aimless.

To live in the present moment, attention and lucidity are needed to face reality as it really is, without the filters of the past or expectations for the future.

Be receptive to life processes and cycles

How to stop being influenced and manipulated?
mellamed from Pexels / Canva

To grow and expand, it is necessary to understand and accept that everything changes all the time, even when we are standing still, in the same place. The non-acceptance of this fact generates suffering, stagnation and illusion.

Whoever manages to follow the movement of life, taking advantage of it, places himself positively and wisely in the face of existence.

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Communication helps to bring out our potential. There are many ways to communicate and express yourself. Good examples are writing, music, mime, videos, theater, dance, drawing, painting, decoration, among others.

Interact with people you like

When we interact with people with whom we have more affinity, it becomes easier to form partnerships, be understood and undertake social and community projects.

In this sense, it is important to interact with people who have points in common.

Take breaks for silence

A tumultuous mind and full of influences and information makes it difficult to make choices, make decisions and identify your own will. In this way, stop, pause, disconnect from external influences and silence, so you can access the answer and peace within yourself.

Influence constructively

Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about digital influencers, and, with so many people wanting to influence, it is necessary to know how to distinguish what, in fact, influences us in a constructive and positive way, and what does the opposite. Therefore, it is important to filter the information and impressions that enter the brain, so that we do not end up absorbing ideas and models that are out of alignment with our essence.

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In addition, loving yourself, respecting yourself and trusting yourself are behaviors for you to act more firmly and relate better to yourself and others.

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