How to set up a mini vegetable garden?

Having a mini-garden at home (or in an apartment) is the practical and easy solution to have a charming and very natural decoration, at the same time it is the best option for a healthy diet. Harvesting your own food, in addition to a hobby, can be a relaxing therapy at different times. The choice of food to plant are almost always the seasonings we use: chives, parsley, basil, mint, oregano, boldo, fennel, lemon balm, melissa and rosemary, among others.

For those who have children at home, harvesting in the mini-garden can be an entertainment and knowledge for the child.

How to set up a mini vegetable garden?

To have all these benefits, few things are needed:

Airy Space

A well lit and airy place is extremely important so that you can preserve the seasonings in a healthy way. The chosen place should receive at least three to four hours of sunlight a day. Natural sunlight is ideal for vegetable garden growth.


There are no rules for choosing the vase, just some basic guidelines: The vases must have holes at the bottom to drain excess water and it is recommended that they are 20 cm high for good root development. Pots that are too shallow dry out too quickly. For everything to go well you can place the vases inside a bamboo support.


The vegetable soil must fill the vase, as it has all the nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, among others). For those who cannot find fertilized soil, you can try to do it yourself: put a part of common earth, a part of manure (very dry) or humus and a part of sand. Mix well. You have just created your own land land. Always add a little humus, but do not overdo it, as too much humus can kill the plants.


To prevent the vase from getting soaked, the ideal is to cover the bottom with a thin layer of crushed stones. If you use seeds, sow at the depth recommended on the package, but if you already have seedlings, which makes planting even simpler, spread the topsoil halfway into the pot and place the plant in the center of the compost, completing with more soil and avoid direct sun for two days.


The main and most important task is also the simplest. The earth cannot be soaked, but damp. As much as the amount of water varies according to the type of plant, it is good to water once a day and check that the soil is still wet and does not have excess water.


Between 20 and 30 days it will be possible to harvest healthy and fresh vegetables. But only harvest what you use and when you use it, the plant will struggle to recover from each withdrawal. It is important that the harvests are careful and never aggressive. Use sharp scissors and do not cut the shoots.

These are the rules and step-by-step instructions for having a mini-garden indoors.

Text written by Klenair Franklin of Team Me Without Borders.

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