How to respect your limits?

    How to respect your limits?
    Living in peace often depends much more on ourselves than on external factors. And a detail that we often don't pay attention to is respect for our own limits. So today I ask you: Do you know and respect your own limits? Or are you always doing what's best for everyone and ignoring your own well-being?

    In our lives there are limits that arise to be overcome, as sportsmen and athletes do, or when we face some difficulty that prevents us from being happy.

    But, on the other hand, there are also limits that need to be respected, obeyed, so that you don't feel empty, for having offered someone a part of you that was not available.

    It's easy to identify if you know and respect your own limits when relating to other people: Are you able to use the word β€œNO” when necessary? Or are you always doing everything everyone wants?

    Refusing to do something is proof that you know and respect your own limits by relating to the universe around you. However, it is necessary to go further.

    It is much more difficult to identify whether you yourself respect your own limits. That's because we are often our biggest explorers and we keep torturing ourselves with excessive demands and attitudes that go beyond our capabilities.

    So, reflect on whether you respect your own limits or commit exaggerations in your daily life, such as: When working, do you charge too much of yourself? And as for your food, how do you make your meals? And for your rest, do you get enough sleep?

    Respecting your own limits is essential to have a happy and peaceful life. And the secret to not going beyond the safety limits of your own being is to use the word β€œNO” whenever necessary and, above all, say β€œNO” to yourself.

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