How to react to a disappointment?

Is there an age for love disappointments?

No matter how old we are, disappointments will exist, in whatever form they take. Sorrows and sadness, everything is learning. I always say: “As long as you live, you live”. There will be the “cheating” friend, the false friend or the scam-crush. And why not tell the husband or boyfriend that they saw the disappointment in person, that they bring us the worst feelings, the feeling of powerlessness, incapacity and that question we always ask: “Why me?”. Life passes and we always find that person who will hurt you for nothing, for nothing. For the simple pleasure of selfishness, machismo or carelessness. You must have thought: “I was quiet in my corner and this scam came just to take my peace. What did I do to deserve this?” I asked this question several times and never got the answer.

One day I realized that I was often the one who attracted these people, I who let them into my life, I didn't pay attention to the signs, I let myself get involved, I stayed with one to forget the other. I lived in a vicious circle. Until I screamed at myself and said I would never go through this again. I spent three years of my life happy not to get involved with anyone. But there was a person who messed with me a lot, taking my balance. But he was a liar, he lived far away, he had girlfriends, but he didn't forget about me, so he was always there watching what I was doing. For him, I was the “official crush”. Even that I got tired of it and I had enough, but he didn't believe in me much and always showed that he was there. Oh yes? So ok, let's ignore that no man likes that. I've always been someone who loves freedom, hates clingy and jealous people. For me, a new relationship was like a nightmare, after all, I worked hard to have that peace, that right to come and go. Sabotage has begun! I found fault with everyone, those who wanted something serious were always the ones who didn't attract me and, of course, I wanted the scams.

One fine day I met a handsome guy, sincere and good people, but, as always, he would do anything to upset me. Only this time, that was not the intention, my friends. It was simply a sign of life to show that it was time to drop the “blocking” ideas and look ahead, because there are, yes, good people.

How to react to a disappointment?
Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

At the same time that I was upset about yet another trip, I was happy to finally be in line with my intuitions, as I never listened and didn't care about the signs, which, yes, life gives us. I was closing myself off so much that I no longer felt pleasure in anything. Nothing I say is silly and good things. How to walk, go out and travel. I wanted to do all that, but I wasn't always happy. I even thought I was becoming a cold person. But no, it was my protective shield vetoing me from everything.

Maybe you don't understand why I'm writing this article. Because just as I went through so many things before and after 40, I want to at least help you in some way. Mothers, women, mature, wise, smart, the one who cannot waver because she is no longer a little girl. We can make mistakes, yes! As long as we live, we will hit, miss, cry, laugh and learn.

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But what should we do to deal with it?

Friends, it hurts and will always hurt, but to a lesser extent. Don't ever think that someone is better than you or what you've done wrong. There is no error! No one passes in our life in vain and everything we live is part of our mission, learning for a greater cause. Try to be with people who love you, do things that give you pleasure, go off the diet (a little), don't go to the gym or go, eat that candy, find friends, cry, cry a lot, until you dry. This is good, renews and takes the lump out of the throat. Say everything you think and feel to the person; do not keep anything, as this is harmful and can lead to gastritis. Never lose your reason, never lower yourself or beg for someone's love, because you are worth much more. You are your greatest love, so be enough, love yourself and always be your best version, because man comes and goes. One hour the right person will show up, but sometimes we need to struggle a lot to be mature and accept true love. If you need it, go to therapy, seek help so that there is an emotional realignment, such as yoga, ho'oponopono, reiki, meditation, mantras etc. Connect with yourself.

Now, if you came into this life to make a solo career, live your best life. Turn the page, move on and don't blame yourself for not having anyone, because in this life, everyone has a purpose and not everyone is designed to perpetuate the species.

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