How to overcome a phobia? How did I overcome the phobia of heights?

    How to overcome a phobia? How did I overcome the phobia of heights?

    Until 2 years ago, I had a phobia of heights. I've lived pretty much my entire life having a phobia of heights. It was unreasonable, because I couldn't even ride the elevator alone. To give you an idea, not even on the slab of a 1-story house I went up, because I was very afraid. But it wasn't a simple fear: it was an uncontrolled fear, which made me sweat, shake, make my legs go weak; a fear that paralyzed me and didn't even let me get close to a place where I could see how high I was. It was a phobia.

    And I've lived my whole life with that. I never went to high places, nor did I ride the elevator alone. Never. Yes, I said never, because if there wasn't someone with me, I wouldn't walk at all. For example: if I had to go on the balcony of a building, it didn't matter if it was a 10, 3, 20 or 2 story building, it didn't matter. I didn't even go near the balcony, even if it had a protective barrier. Just imagining being anywhere high already made me tense. If, by chance, I, with a lot of effort, went somewhere that was a little higher than the ground floor, at someone's insistence (as happened to me only 3 times in my entire life), I would be very far from the place where I could see below. I was very afraid. I stayed at a distance and didn't even have to get close to the view; from afar I was already starting to tremble and thinking that I was going to fall or that a catastrophe was going to happen. I felt terrible fear. And the amazing thing is that I had never investigated what the origin of this phobia was. How was this phobia installed in me? Of course, I wasn't born with this phobia, folks! This phobia was implanted in me when I was still a child. And I wasn't aware of it, although I had some memories. My brain has stored an experience from my childhood; even though I only had these flashbacks, as I was so small. I was only 3 years old when I had the experience that generated the phobia. And maybe you can ask me, โ€œHow do you remember a situation that happened to you when you were so little?โ€ Well I remember. And how do I know I was that age? Because I asked my mother and she told me.

    What happened was this: at that time, my mother worked in a local. One day, she took me to work with her and I moved something from that place of the people at her work. Well, my mother didn't like it. So she tried to scare me so I wouldn't mess with other people's things anymore. Perhaps she had a positive intention to educate me and to show me that you shouldn't touch anything about people, because that's wrong, it's not nice. There is a principle of NLP that says, โ€œAll behavior has a positive intention.โ€ I believe my mother's intention at that time was to teach me.

    Well, this place where my mother worked was very high up. I don't remember now how many floors there were, because, as I said, I only have flashes of memories. And my mother picked me up, and I remember her with me on top of this building, on this balcony, and I remember her showing me downstairs and saying to me like this: โ€œDo you see it here, oh, down there? Look there! If you go through other people's stuff again, I'll throw you down there." Guys, I don't remember anything else, but this I remember. Including my mother's words. It's because? Because it certainly generated a great fear in me, a great emotional impact; I was just a child. In my mind, I thought I was 5 years old at that time, because I remembered that experience. Of course I didn't remember perfectly, but I remembered the words, I remembered the view down there and her rocking me.

    So, one day, I decided to ask my mother how old I was when she worked there. And she told me. And I was really very surprised, because I didn't imagine that I was so young, because I really remembered the fact. That is, this program was implanted in my mind there that day. There the phobia of heights was successfully installed. As my old teacher used to say: โ€œTrauma successfully installed.โ€ In my case, it was a phobia, but a phobia can also come from trauma. When you have a traumatic experience, that experience can create a phobia out of the trauma. I had a trauma that day.

    So if you, dear reader, are living your life with some phobia or trauma, how to solve it?

    Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) can help you overcome this. In the same way that a program was installed, we can uninstall it. It is enough for the person to collaborate and allow himself to overcome it.

    And how does this process of re-signification of experience occur inside our brain?

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    Well, in a very simple and summarized way, I'll explain it to you. This happens in the following way: our brain is plastic. This means that the way we see our memories can be altered. And once they are changed, our brain starts to see experiences and memories from other perspectives. And once the brain does that, it changes feelings; and once he changes feelings and sensations about a certain experience, he changes behaviors. And if he changes the behaviors related to a certain situation that has brought you problems and that has generated negative results in your life, you will automatically get better results. The results we get in our lives are consequences of our behaviors. So when behavior changes, results change.

    When we look at any situation that happens in our life and give it a certain degree of importance, it is our brain that is interpreting it according to our filters. And these filters are personal, that is, each one of us has filters according to our lived experiences; so if you, dear reader, are facing any phobia, allow yourself to reprogram your subconscious! We can do this through hypnosis and also through NLP.

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