How to organize the preparations for a ceia de Natal no social isolation

Although the year 2020 was totally out of our expectations, the end of the year festivities are coming and, as much as we are “hurt” by this very atypical year, these festivities always bring us unforgettable moments, good memories and hope. It's time to stay with the ones we love (together or away) and plan the next year with faith in our projects.

Christmas is a commemorative date when we usually gather family and dear friends. This year, many dates have passed almost “hit” by us, precisely because we cannot be physically reunited with our dear ones because of the pandemic that brought us social isolation.

On the other hand, each in their own way, we manage to bring the ones we love close to us, whether by video calls, cards, WhatsApp messages and even sending gifts.

And as we come to the end of the year, unfortunately, still in the same situation of isolation, our Christmas will not be much different, but we will have the same animation and creativity to celebrate this delicious date in the way that conditions allow us. After all, celebrating Christmas is all good, but we have to take care of our health and also the health of those we love, right?

So if you are also a little lost in the midst of all this crazy year, but still want to “get over there” in all this low spirits and celebrate Christmas in a way that is a little out of the traditional, leaving nothing to be desired, enjoy these suggestions and tips on how to organize preparations for Christmas dinner in social isolation.

Gather friends and family outdoors

Regardless of the date, health should come first! Consider a few things before planning a family gathering. If you are going to meet, do it in a few people, so you can keep a distance. And yes, the mask is very important for those who do not live in the environment.

How to organize the preparations for a ceia de Natal no social isolation
Silvrshootr / Getty Images Signature / Canva

A very cool tip is to innovate and have your supper in an open environment. A backyard, a balcony, in short, a place where there is outdoors is a great choice. Remembering that those who have any symptoms of flu or cold, or are in a risk group, the best thing is to stay in isolation. But calm down! If you are going to spend Christmas away from some people, know that this is no reason to stop celebrating. See our next tip.

Christmas at home and very well accompanied

For the reasons mentioned above, sometimes it will be necessary – and better for health! – that you spend your Christmas at home, fulfilling social isolation. For those alone on that date, the celebration tip is to follow the following rule: there are no rules!

Take the opportunity to cook what you like, eat at ease without ceremony. You can also buy something delicious at the market, which doesn't take a lot of work – from ready meals to treats, it doesn't matter, this Christmas is yours! Sleeping late is a great option for those who enjoy holidays to rest, wear comfortable clothes, in short, everything we love to do alone!

You can also make a video call with friends and relatives, videos to send in family groups and Christmas messages. If not, no problem! Enjoy yourself, turn on some loud music, binge on that series or watch movies on TV. In fact, there are always really cool shows at that time.

The most important thing is that you are grateful to be having another Christmas – alone or with someone – and you are doing very well, thank you, in this crazy year we are living. Don't let anything disturb your mood that day, take the opportunity to meditate and give thanks.

Christmas recipes

Regardless of how and with whom you will celebrate Christmas, a delicious food always goes well, right? If you are one of those who like to take a chance in the kitchen, the time is now! Here are some recipes for those who will spend Christmas at home alone or with others.

Rice with Orange and Raisins

An easy and inexpensive recipe that makes a delicious side dish!

How to organize the preparations for a ceia de Natal no social isolation
Proformabooks / Getty Images / Canva


  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1 small onion, grated;
  • 1 ½ cups of rice tea;
  • 1 dessert spoon of turmeric;
  • 2 cups of tea of ​​water;
  • 1 cup of orange juice;
  • 1 tablespoon of orange zest;
  • ½ cup of dark raisins;
  • Orange slices for garnish.


In a pan, sauté the rice in olive oil with the onion and turmeric, add the salt and water, leave until the water dries up. Add the juice, orange zest, raisins and cook until dry. Turn off the heat and let it rest for 10 minutes. Decorate a refractory with the orange slices and distribute the rice. Serve immediately.

classic turkey

A classic meat that a lot of people like. If you are alone and find a lot of it, do it with just one or another part of the turkey, like the breast, for example. Just reduce the amount of ingredients in proportion and that's it! Oh! This seasoning is also great with chicken!

How to organize the preparations for a ceia de Natal no social isolation
Mizina / Getty Images Pro / Canva



  • 1 thawed seasoned turkey (about 4 kilos);
  • ½ teaspoon of ready-made seasoning for white meat;
  • 1 cup (tea) of white wine;
  • ½ cup (tea) of orange juice;
  • 4 tablespoons of butter.

citrus sauce

  • 1 tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • ½ teaspoon of clove lemon juice;
  • 2 tablespoons of orange juice;
  • ½ teaspoon of ready-made seasoning for white meat.


Turkey: in a roast, place the turkey and spread over it the seasoning ready mashed with half a cup (tea) of water, forming a paste. Add wine and orange juice. Cover with aluminum foil and place in the fridge to taste for about 30 minutes. Remove from the fridge, place the breast face down and smear it with the butter. Cover with aluminum foil again and take it to the medium oven (200°C), preheated, for about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Remove the aluminum foil, carefully turn the turkey and let it roast for another 1 hour, basting it with the cooking broth that forms in the roasting pan. After roasting, transfer the turkey to a serving platter and reserve the broth formed during cooking in the roasting pan itself, for the preparation of the sauce.

Citrus sauce: in a container, dissolve the wheat flour in half a cup (tea) of water and add to the cooking broth on the baking sheet. Add the clove lemon juice, orange juice and the seasoning and let it boil over the stove flame until it thickens. Serve in a separate gravy boat with the turkey. Tip: While the turkey is in the oven, baste it with the sauce formed in the roasting pan. This will make your meat more tender and moist.

traditional french toast

Another Christmas classic, but with desserts! A practical and very, very tasty and super cheap recipe! Keep licking your fingers!

How to organize the preparations for a ceia de Natal no social isolation
Ramonespelt / Getty Images / Canva


  • 4 French breads;
  • 1½ cups of milk (360 milliliters);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 lemon (zest);
  • 1 cup of oil for frying;
  • ½ cup of sugar (80 grams);
  • 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon.

Method of preparation:

The first step in making homemade French toast is to prepare the ingredients: cut the bread into slices, put the milk and lemon zest on a plate and, on another plate, the beaten eggs. Heat the oil in a skillet.

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Remembering that these are just a few suggestions on how to celebrate Christmas in this quarantine and tips on delicious recipes that you can try.

Each of us has our way of celebrating (or not!) special dates according to our tastes, religious practices and possibilities.

The idea is that, especially this year, you feel good about yourself, regardless of the conditions, and that you enjoy the holidays to rest and do pleasant things. The celebration begins within us! Happy Holidays!

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