How to leverage self-esteem in a toxic relationship?

It is likely that many people who have difficulties feeling with their self-esteem high and asserting themselves when they are in abusive relationships are trapped in concepts and beliefs, which even today, although they are already outdated and seen as politically incorrect, in many cases, they are in full swing.

These are people who are victims of a belief system that, in addition to devaluing women as a whole, disqualifies them in a blunt way when they dare to free themselves from the dogmas of submission embedded in this type of culture. A vision that nowadays is increasingly archaic, but which, unfortunately, still catches many unconsciously.

A scenario in which socially structured plots make many parents and partners, even today, work blindly, as strong issuers of these mandates. Hence, the difficulty that many have to find, within themselves, self-love and self-esteem.

Toxic emotional environments that infer veiled criticism or not can also be seen as the great impediments for legitimate self-love to exist. In short, for self-love to flourish, the ground must be fertile, watered and nourished with what truly strengthens.

How to have self-love in a relationship?

One of the good alternatives is to do a kind of homework that usually causes a pleasure, and the more you do it, the more it expands. The idea is to put on paper the qualities and tastes that bring pleasure to the person, and absolutely everything is valid, as long as it causes a pleasant sensation.

While self-esteem and self-esteem are low, at first it may even seem more difficult to tell yourself what's good about you, but with practice, awareness of what's best about you grows, along with feelings of well-being.

Another tip is to get off autopilot and deliberately begin to look at yourself with more appreciation and affection. Starting by petting yourself by deciding to be your best friend also helps a lot. Being a mother, father and brother to yourself, doing good things like you would for the people you love the most.

How to leverage self-esteem in a toxic relationship?
Hassan OUAJBIR / Pexels

Physical exercises also work as strong helpers in this process.

On a daily basis, always prioritize taking at least an attitude that returns the feeling of well-being, remembering to be literally present in these actions. Start being more selfish in the best sense that word can mean, with attitudes towards yourself that raise self-esteem and self-love. Think about what can be done and then actually do it!

When self-love is consciously inaugurated, the most common thing to happen is to be aware of others who are still low in these aspects. As a consequence and as a service of love and brotherhood, the vast majority begins to tell about their own self-development story within this theme, which has helped a lot those who are still lost and clueless about what can be done for themselves. in the name of leveraging self-love. Examples of success stories are always welcome and helpful.

A basic rule for self-discovery and self-conquest will always be the search for alternatives and the practice of changes. Just listening, reading, or going to therapy without taking any action and expecting things to happen by themselves doesn't work, and people end up standing behind the windows of their lives without appreciating the infinite roads they can take.

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Stories can always encourage people who are looking for self-love to know whether or not they are on the right path. Comparisons in this sense will always be welcome, especially when there is space for dialogue that helps in discovering what is missing to find new and unusual paths of life with joy, quite colorful and the main, self-love.

It is only with the conquest or reconquest of self-love that countless victims of toxic relationships will have the strength to get out of situations where abuse reigns.

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