How to lead children on the path of love

    If adults sometimes seem intolerant, it is in children that we see hope for a more loving society. But for that to happen, we need to educate them in a way where respect and love are priorities. Here are some tips on how to educate children with a focus on love:


    It is not possible to love and lie at the same time. Love is linked to honesty and that's why you should teach children the importance of being honest. At a time when we see how corruption and lies have taken over the country in the political environment, we must set an example for children of how this is not the right path and that honesty must always prevail.

    How to lead children on the path of love


    Children have to go to school and do their homework, but they can't stay away from play and fun. Living with other children and having fun is essential for developing emotional intelligence and learning to love others. Teach the importance of coexistence with others and how play should be healthy for everyone.

    Self esteem

    Loving others is only possible when we first learn to love ourselves. That's why it's important to teach children to value themselves from an early age. Self-esteem must be stimulated so that no child feels inferior to the others. Teach them to identify the qualities each one has and how important that is to them.


    To love, we must first respect the differences we have with each other. Show children how being different is not wrong, but that we have to respect the tastes, choices and preferences of others, without judging or discriminating against anyone.

    to err is human

    Love also manifests itself when we accept not only our successes, but also our mistakes. Therefore, a mistake made by a child should not be punished, but explained why it happened and what we can do to improve. Learning to deal with one's mistakes is a way of learning to be more human. And, having this understanding, love can manifest itself without being restrained by fear of punishment.

    Written by Ricardo Sturk from Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.

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