How to get over the end of a relationship


The end of a relationship is part of the most varied cycles that life offers. We love, surrender, trust, deposit all our affection in a person we believe will stay forever... The liquidity of new relationships characterizes the model of interaction between two people, that is, individuals are more susceptible to giving up something solid and for which you have to give 100% of yourself. However, if there was effort, responsibility and if you gave up certain things to see your partner happy, it's not your fault.

Nothing forced should happen. Naturalness is one of the indispensable factors for the confirmation of a good relationship. Pressure, demands and being unable to be who you are are crucial reasons to know that being alone now is better than the toxicity of a company.

Loving yourself, learning to be with yourself and valuing it makes your presence enough. Self-knowledge is essential during this process. What do you like? What makes you feel good? What do you want to do right now? Could you answer these three questions right now?

Give yourself some time and dedicate all 24 hours to fulfilling your desires. Know that the first step in loving or adoring someone is pleasure with your inner self.

How to get over the end of a relationship

From now on we have a commitment, which is your happiness.

We are not saying that ending a relationship is easy, because in fact it is not. However, it is necessary to continue walking.

Sleepless nights and relapses will be obstacles to your goal. That's why we've separated 5 tips to help you.

1 – You have to accept the separation

The philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus wrote the following sentence during the 540th century BC: "The same water never passes under the same bridge twice." The same thing happens with human beings. It is necessary to be in continuous evolution and to be aware that you are different from what you were yesterday, as well as the relationship, which will no longer be the same.

2 – Know that everything will pass

Everything is uncertain in life, except the certainty that we will die one day and that life itself is ephemeral. We know that at the time when the longing hits the urge for a call or a simple message, see together, but it must be kept in mind that one hour or another everything will pass.

How to get over the end of a relationship

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3 – Your feelings are your responsibility

At times, we blame our ex-partner for what we're feeling, so we blame him or her for being alone now. From the moment we leave a relationship, however, every decision is individual. Only you can overcome and let go of what you're feeling, so respect the process and try to control your feelings. The responsibility is now all yours.

4 – The end of 'happily ever after'

Surely you've heard the expression "may it be eternal while it lasts". Stories, laughter, caresses, conversations and intimate moments were shared, but this was part of a cycle that has now come to an end. Accept this ending and keep in mind that your happiness begins right now.

5 – Adapt to new environments

How to get over the end of a relationship

Being stuck in the same places where you know you can find your ex takes a toll on your mental health. Meet new new people too. The BMatch dating app is a good alternative, as it can be used to search for common interests.

The end of a relationship can be traumatic, but you have to rebuild and reinvent yourself. Know that you are greater than any relationship. Love yourself first and preserve the good memories, as you are now a new person and nothing will stop you from conquering your happiness.

In short, take with you the concept of existentialist philosopher Jean Paul Sartre: β€œIt doesn't matter what they did to you. What matters is what you do with what they did to you.” Then go ahead. Overcome!

Written by Geovanni Henrique da Silva 

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