How to get out of suffering?

    The same capacity that we have to suffer, we have to control suffering. It's inside our mind that everything is controlled, that's where everything stays. There is no control outside the mind. We are 100% responsible for everything we create and everything that happens in our lives.

    Often, we are suffering for a love, for something that didn't happen the way we wanted or for wanting something that we can't conquer, and then we suffer. But if you say to yourself, β€œNo more suffering!”, you will activate a hidden strength and ability within you. If something or someone has to be ours, it would certainly be on our side. So why imprison something or someone that doesn't naturally belong to us?

    We feed it all because we tend to take the easy way out, which usually leads to pain and suffering. There is another way, but it is more difficult because we have to fight ourselves a lot. Everything that happens here in this life also has the opportunity to heal in the face of thoughts that are out of balance, because of the emotional.

    Emotions are choices. If they are out of balance, we feel pain and suffering. As hard as it is to accept this, we are the ones who choose the anguish, identify with the emotional pain and empathize with the suffering.

    However, from the moment you order your mind to deviate from the path of suffering, you will overcome yourself and no force will stop you from walking a better path.

    You can nip it in the bud with strength and determination, putting a definitive end to this feeling that wants to bring you down.

    Why do you have to accept little in your life? You are so much more than that, so cut out those thoughts that want to bring you down. To beat them, you need to do a daily exercise, just like you get out of bed every day. Beat yourself, beat this imbalance of thoughts that is defeating you.

    Face the situation! The human being likes to be stuck in pain, it seems that he likes to suffer and finds it very difficult to abandon it.

    How to get out of suffering?

    The external pain is much greater than the internal pain you end up with. When you are immersed in the pain of suffering, life brings something external for you to understand what suffering is.

    Cut the thought that is defeating you and look the other way. There is always the other side of the coin. Ask yourself: β€œWhat am I learning from this situation?”. Recognize your own worth and determine that you already know how to overcome difficulties. You have the strength to get through this, learning your lesson.

    If you go into your timeline of your entire history and life trajectory, you will recognize the holes you have fallen into. You will see that it took a lot of strength to overturn an old way of thinking, which has overcome many adversities in life. You will also realize that each lesson and each hole in the timeline was decisive for you to overcome yourself.

    Remember that there are two ways. The easiest thing is to keep feeding on this inferiority of thoughts; the other, more difficult but more liberating, is to fight against oneself and against pain.

    The cure is in the thought. You are the one who chooses whether to look up or down. The more you overcome yourself, the stronger you will be and many gifts of life will come to you.

    So let's be careful with our feelings, especially with those we hide from ourselves. Whoever hides feelings, slows down the growth of the Soul.

    Life likes evolution and movement. If you stay in mimimi, you will remain feeling inferior and will pay the price of that inferiority throughout your life.

    The pain passes, but you are the one who feeds it….

    Remedies indicated for healing: self-esteem, forgiveness and love.

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