How to enjoy Carnival and go on a spiritual retreat?

The liveliest party in España is approaching. We are talking about Carnival. But not everyone likes to be jumping around at a fast pace night and day. If you don't identify with revelry, know that there are alternatives to enjoy your days off (if you have them) and rest your body and mind: Carnival retreats!

Okay, one of the alternatives for many people is to stay at home resting, doing their chores, however, this often boils down to sleeping a lot of the time or, at most, being thrown on the couch.

There's nothing wrong with that, but there are more profitable ways to enjoy a Carnival weekend and one of them can be a spiritual retreat. Even because sleeping late and watching television are activities you can do every weekend, right?


Spiritual retreats are a good reason to slow down and take care of yourself more. There are many Buddhist centers that offer spiritual retreats during this period and you do not need to be a Buddhist to participate.

Most spiritual retreats must be paid for, but with the money you would spend jumping around Carnival, taking a spiritual retreat can be a good investment for improving your well-being, even more so if you are already tired of it. leaves for years.

How to enjoy Carnival and go on a spiritual retreat?
THAI HAN / Pexels

With Carnival spiritual retreats, it is possible to relax and remove the tension and fatigue of Carnival, because after a few days of revelry the chances of being tired are great. And then comes the return to work and that desire not to get out of bed.

In the spiritual retreat, you will be more silent and you will be able to observe your thoughts more and make an evaluation of your life. It means going deeper within you. After all, in the rush of everyday life it is difficult to make these assessments. In the midst of a favorable place and surrounded by people who seek the same goal is much easier.

Benefits of Carnival Spiritual Retreats:

  • It will help you to cultivate your spiritual awareness;
  • You may discover a new purpose and begin to move differently;
  • Re-evaluate your life;
  • Rest body and mind;
  • Meet new people and places;

These are just some of the benefits that Carnival spiritual retreats can provide you. Many people still associate spiritual retreat with something boring or boring, however, if you can really rest during this period, it will be important to help calm the mood for the rest of the year and, in a way, recharge your energies.

There are retreats in Buddhist centers, yoga and meditation centers. Search near your city and see the options. You can also call these centers near you and see what they are offering.

If the money is low, some of these spaces also have a voluntary help service, that is, you can participate in these Carnival spiritual retreats helping and even participating in the retreat for a more reasonable price.

To make you feel more motivated to seek out spiritual retreats during Carnival, check out some suggestions for places to enjoy the revelry in a more relaxing and introspective way!

Nova Gokula Farm, in Pindamonhangaba (SP)

It is a spiritual retreat that takes place during Carnival, for those who want to learn more about yoga, astrology and philosophy. You can leave the event even with your birth chart interpreted! Yoga sessions are mixed with discussions of philosophy, meditation exercises and lectures on astrology. Meals are organic and walks encourage contact with nature. Accommodation in the space costs around 850 reais, for four nights, with three meals a day.

Zu Lai Temple, in Cotia (SP)

The Buddhist temple, called Zu Lai, is a retreat for people who want to experience the life of a monk. With a mandatory attire of white knitted shirts, jewelry, perfumes, cosmetics and electronic devices are prohibited. Meals are vegetarian and during the afternoon and evening there is fasting. For 450 reais, it is possible to understand what the life of a Buddhist monk would be like.

Paraíso dos Pândavas Farm, in Chapada dos Veadeiros (GO)

Vegetarian food, yoga and meditation practice, lectures and waterfall baths are part of the spiritual retreat that takes place at Fazenda Paraíso dos Pândavas. The purpose of the activities is to allow visitors access to the yoga culture of devotion, which has been going on for millennia. To spend six days there, the cost exceeds 2 thousand reais, and can be paid in 8 installments. Meals and practices are included in the price.

How to enjoy Carnival and go on a spiritual retreat?
cottonbro / Pexels

Dharma Academy, in SĂŁo Paulo (SP)

For those who want to take advantage of Carnival to free themselves from fears and insecurities, Dharma Academy provides exercises for a process of self-knowledge. In two days, the intensive course aims to map the fears of the participants, understand what they want for the future and exercise their own confidence, for a safer and more prosperous life.

Vidya Yoga Ashram, in Quatro Barras (PR)

A Carnival with a lot of yoga can be well spent at Vidya Yoga Ashram. There are four days of practical and theoretical yoga classes, taught by professionals in medicine, yoga and physical education. It is the ideal place for those who want an immersive experience in the oriental world, getting in touch with ancient knowledge.

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Ecovillage of Piracanga, on the MaraĂş Peninsula (BA)

A very different spiritual retreat for Carnival is with the Inkiri community. With exercises to stimulate self-knowledge and happiness, for four days people can practice yoga or participate in discussion circles on the most varied subjects. Unlike any other Carnival spiritual retreats, after all the rest process, costumes are made for a Carnival dance with vegan foods.

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