How to discover your purpose

Why are we here? What is the true meaning of our existence? Many of us have questioned and asked ourselves these questions at least once in our lives. After all, when we stop for a moment to observe the infinite possibilities that we have before us, it is common for a big question mark to arise and the most frequent doubt to remain in our thoughts: am I on the right track?

Every day there are several roads to choose from. We are forced to make decisions that completely dictate the pace of our history. Whether it's what you want to study, where you're going to work, the types of people you have by your side or even the way you choose to eat. Everything shapes who you are and where you are going.

So, have you really chosen with your heart? Do you really live experiences that make you feel like you're walking in the best way you could?

Finding your life's purpose is discovering not only what makes your heart the happiest but also what your deepest identity is and the mark you want to leave on the world. It's discovering everything you love, that makes you different.

When you truly find your purpose, you feel that passion can transform not only yourself but those around you for the better. You want to be more alive every day to become someone more complete.

How to discover your purpose

And how to do it? How do you know what your true mission is? Below we have gathered seven ways that can assist you in this process.

1 – Know your skills well

Your gifts are your greatest asset. Finding out what skills you have is a key step in discovering your purpose. After all, everything you do well is an integral part of your personality and your mission.

Be ready to hone these skills, using them in the best possible way for yourself and those around you.

2 – Know everything that makes you happy

Knowing what really helps you find happiness is a big step. It is the moments of joy that make you understand what you really want out of life, as these are the moments when you are full and your heart is at peace, as if you have really found your place in the world.

From the moment you discover what you are passionate about and what is worth fighting for, you get closer to your purpose.

3 – Look for inspiration

When you find situations and people that inspire you, you also take a very important step towards your mission.

Many moments and beings that share this existence with you end up making you better, teaching and making you learn. Take this chance. Look for what you most admire in someone or in an instant, making the best of it.

The exchange and teachings that come from the outside also show a lot of what we want to find on the inside.

4 – Get out of your comfort zone

We almost always do a little bit of everything except what is best for ourselves.

After all, how many times do we let opportunities pass or procrastinate new situations for fear of change? For fear of the discomfort this can bring us? Fear is no friend when you really want to find your purpose.

Face what brings you the most fear and do what you are not used to. When you step out of your comfort zone, that's when you step into the unknown and find freedom. That's when you often expand your mind, your skills and find new goals.

5 – Make a list of what you would like to do

One of the ways to follow step 4 and help you find your purpose is to make a list. Can you imagine putting down on paper everything you would like to be doing right now? Anything that makes your heart flutter, as you discovered in step 2?

Put down on paper what makes you feel excited and excited about life. Write down all the things you are attracted to and all the things you feel like doing on a daily basis. This helps you to better visualize and analyze what is inside you.

Once you've defined the things you really want to leave there, focus on accomplishing each one. It is often in practice that you will discover what these desires make you feel.

How to discover your purpose

6 – Connect with yourself

Take time out of your day to sit quietly and reflect on everything in your life. Think about what makes you happy, about everything you say you want to do, and what kind of impact you intend to make on the world.

Every day we change our thoughts and the way we feel. Reflection is essential to understand and identify in you what still makes sense, what should be put aside and where you really want to focus your energy.

Having a moment with just your inner self daily will bring you most of the answers you are constantly looking for and will narrow the path towards your purpose. The process is painful, as we find several traits of our personality and monsters with which we will have to confront. But all this is necessary. Face these moments with forgiveness, kindness and lightness.

7 - Study

You must be wondering: study? Yes, that's exactly it. When we study, we have the opportunity to learn more about certain subjects, discover our affinities and difficulties, as well as develop our skills.

It is at that moment that we open our minds to something new that we also change our way of thinking, we start to reflect on our world and the world in which we live. Knowledge is one of the most important tools we can use to grow and find what we really came for in this life.

Whenever you have the opportunity, be in touch with this universe. Whether through readings, videos you find on the internet, free or paid courses, college… It doesn't matter. Just carry on. Several worlds will open before you.

Finally, don't be afraid to jump right in and find out what your true life purpose is. Most of the time he is the big secret for you to find your true peace and fulfillment!

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