How to discover the meaning of life

How to discover the meaning of life? This is perhaps the oldest human question. Many answers have already been given to her, some coming from philosophy, others from religion or even moments of daydreaming and meditation. I particularly like the Dalai Lama's response when he said that the meaning of life is to be happy. Simple and clear, but it can be a little vague too. Because, after all, do you know what makes you happy?

Motivated by the search for the meaning of life, American speaker Steve Pavlina created a method that anyone (even those who do not believe in the meaning of life) can use to find an answer to this question.

The method is very easy and worth doing. Come on!

First, make sure you're in a place where you won't be disturbed, whether it's people, phone, WhatsApp notifications, neighbor noise, or anything else. Once you find a place and time where you have the silence to think for yourself, take a sheet, notebook or even a text editor on your computer and write: what is my true purpose in life?

How to discover the meaning of life

Then start writing what comes to your mind. Don't worry if any nonsense or incomplete sentences come up. Even if you think: there is no meaning, write it down! Go writing without judging if it's right or wrong. This is a way to empty the thoughts that are taking up too much space in your unconscious.

Gradually, you will realize that some answers will emerge that stir your emotions in some way. Pay attention to them, but keep writing and reflecting on what your life purpose is. There will come a time when you will write an answer that will make you emotional to the point of crying. Stop at that answer. This is the meaning of your life.

This process can typically take anywhere from twenty minutes to over an hour, depending on the person. If you're going to think that the meaning of life is an answer that you could spend your whole life without having, it's little time to find out, isn't it?

Even if during the exercise you feel like quitting, giving up, or doing something else, persist. The right answer only appears after your unconscious stops fighting, and then it will start to free your mind towards the final answer. It can take even from 500 to XNUMX+ answers to get the one you're going to be thrilled with and know is the right one. So take some free time to do this and persist until it's over.

When you find the answer, write it down in a place where you can read it daily and always remember the meaning of your life. It is very easy to get lost and let go of our real purpose for living, but this leads to depression and sadness. Use this phrase as a compass to keep you moving towards your life purpose.

Then let us know in the comments how your experience was. Your story can serve as an incentive for other people to persist in this search and find the truth in their lives.

May the truth always be with you. To the next!

  • Written by Ricardo Sturk from Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.
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