How to cure toxic environments

Do you feel comfortable at home, in your room? How do you feel at your place of work or other places you frequent? Can you perceive the energy charge that each environment imposes on you?

There is an energetic exchange between each of us and the environment we frequent. This interaction can be positive or negative depending on the dominant vibratory frequency. We learned from Einstein that physical matter is condensed energy. The universal cosmic fluid or cosmic energy is primordial elementary matter that manifests in different densities and vibrations.

We are immersed and entwined by energy. We are pulsating energy. Despite the illusion of separateness, we are never alone. The primordial energy when in contact with living organisms is transformed into vital energy and in this subtle field we connect with people and environments.

We influence and are influenced by others and by all the energy emanating from environments in all multidimensions. When we walk down the street, indoors or anywhere else, we interact with the energetic vibrations that predominate.

Every environment has its own energetic life, constituted by the energetic pattern of those who circulate in this place, which we call the psychosphere. In addition, its geographical location, architecture, materials used and furniture distribution, wall colors, lighting, among other aspects, are also a source of beneficial or deleterious energy.

How to cure toxic environmentsNo Feng Shui, ancient Chinese art of harmonizing environments, we learned that a house can overcome the energy of its resident and vice versa. In the West, Geobiology researches the relationships between the environment and living beings.

An environment is toxic when its unbalanced and sick energy is able to reach us and disharmonize us.

Among the various causes that result in a toxic environment, there are excesses of elements that are harmful to the healthy flow of energy, which cause stagnation and deficiencies. Electrical networks, cell towers, masonry, electrical connections, plumbing, electronic objects. Low light and natural ventilation, without connection with nature. Lack of natural elements that can assist in cleaning and harmonizing, such as plants and crystals. Misuse of colors and poor distribution of furniture.

You can feel the harmful sensation of a toxic environment when you feel tired, heavy, irritable, anxious and depressed when you enter an inappropriate place.

Often, when we get home and lie down, we are enveloped by a dense energetic fog, we have difficulty sleeping or feel overwhelming sleep, and when we sleep we are invaded by nightmares and startles.

It is necessary to be aware of where this malaise comes from, if it is somewhere we went or if it is something within our own home.

Public environments, with accumulation of people, are conducive to a tangle of energies of all kinds. In a commercial office, the dominant energy will be the product of all the people who work there daily. If there is a lot of dispute, gossip and negative thoughts, which is commonplace in these environments, the feeling at the end of the day is that a tractor has run over us.

Bars and clubs are places of great circulation of disembodied spirits addicted to lower energies and emotions, alcohol and drugs.

Dark and closed environments are great hiding places for spirits still trapped in matter. Abandoned houses and any other spaces where there is no light and heat from the sun's rays. Solar prana is able to neutralize and dissolve miasmas and thought forms, which are energies embodied by negative emotions and thoughts.

Toxic environments need to be treated and cured just like sick people. An energy diagnosis must be carried out on the spot, taking into account all the elements that are causing the imbalance and carrying out the necessary changes.

Living or working in a toxic environment is extremely harmful to health, and can cause diseases that settle first in our vital body, taking advantage of our weaknesses.

Some physical and environmental symptoms that may suggest the need for environmental healing are:

Excessive fatigue, headaches, nausea, lack or excess of sleep, constant fights between family members or co-workers, irritation, feeling of oppression, nightmares. Environments with humidity, mold, strange odors, cracks in walls, loose floors, electronics that stop working for no apparent reason, lamps that burn, glasses and other objects that break, disorder and accumulation of objects.

To prevent a toxic environment from reaching your energy field, I will give you some tips:

  • Crossing your arms and legs is a great method to close your energy field and not interact with your surroundings.
  • Using an object on your body that serves as an energy shield. It can be a necklace with a pendant or a crystal, which must be periodically cleaned and harmonized.
  • Use a handful of coarse salt, as a sachet, in your pants pocket or if possible next to the solar plexus and at the end of the day throw it away.
  • Visualize blue light energy enveloping the entire body, preventing the invasion of harmful energies.
  • Cleaning and harmonizing passes.

To heal a toxic environment you will need the help of an energy healer, but a well-known tip is the use of containers with coarse salt, charcoal and water, scattered around the corners, which will help to remove negative energies. Content must be periodically discarded and replaced.

How to cure toxic environmentsThe presence of plants and the energy they emanate are essential to the health of environments. As in photosynthesis, vegetation is a source of energy healing, widely used in cleaning and harmonizing works by the spirits of shamans and pretos velhas.

Another important fact, which is not always worked on in the healing of environments due to lack of knowledge, is the spiritual part. Many environments, including our home, may be harboring disembodied spirits that, attracted by one of the residents or by the environment itself, are trapped in it.

For the treatment it is necessary the help of a transpersonal therapist who can act in the astral dimension, removing the suffering spirit. We must not forget that we welcome within ourselves only what is ours, with what we are attuned to. We are responsible for our thoughts and feelings. The biggest obstacle is not the external world, but what we allow ourselves to invade.

To live without getting involved, to observe without judging, to contemplate without desiring.

In your home, try to get rid of all excess objects and clothes, clean drawers and cupboards, throw away cracked cups, old papers, pens that no longer write. Open everything that has been closed for a long time, boxes, pots and other junk.

You will find that your mind and heart will follow every movement you make, every box you open, every object you touch. You will be able to bring up past memories, traumas, emotions and other sensations that will gradually be released.

The energy will be renewed in the environment and in you!

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