How to cultivate a healthy relationship

    Being alone nowadays only happens if it's really a convinced option, but being with someone truly may not be that simple. Love relationships are increasingly liquid and less lasting. Most people don't know how to maintain a relationship, and at the slightest obstacle they find it easier to end everything and move on to another involvement without addictions, quarrels or conflicts.

    The problem with this is that we increasingly fail to learn the wonder of a happy, full, and healthy relationship. Below, we list some tips that will teach you how it is possible to have a life as a couple with partnership, harmony, much peace and love. Check it out and apply it to your life:

    cultivate friendship

    Never, ever, under any circumstances, follow that friend who says you can't be friends with your boyfriend, fiancé, husband. That's the worst advice you can give anyone. After all, if you are not friends with the person you chose to share your life with, who will you be? You will spend a lot of time together and complicity is mandatory. When we become friends with our partner, the trend is for everything to be lighter and more fun too!

    have confidence

    There's no reason to be with someone you don't trust. Trust is a basic precept for any relationship to succeed, especially the loving one. After all, without trust, jealousy and accusations arise that undermine any relationship. If something bothers you and leaves you with that little flea behind your ear, call your partner for a chat and resolve it as soon as possible!

    Put space limits

    If the two of you are super open and don't bother using the bathroom while the other brushes their teeth, no problem. But if it's something that bothers one of the parties, it should be discussed until they establish satisfactory boundaries. Here it is also worth mentioning that often the partner's space must be respected, even if the relationship is happy and you get along great, a little time alone is always welcome.

    How to cultivate a healthy relationship

    Sex life

    No relationship is happy if the sexual and affective life is not satisfactory. After all, you're with someone because you're sexually attracted, right? If something doesn't go well, you need to talk to resolve it. Listening and sharing your wants and likes is also highly recommended.


    Being in a relationship means working in partnership. If you're with someone, be prepared to support them in their decisions and to talk and share your point of view if you don't agree with something. Pointing the finger in the air is a completely ruled out option. Your partner needs to know that they can share their lives with you.

    Surrender, without beating around the bush

    From the moment you chose to be in a relationship and you want it to be lasting and healthy, you need to surrender. Leave the games, rodeos and masks behind and be yourself. Don't be afraid to look vulnerable and show your weakest side. Your partner will even like to know this version of you, believe me!

    Written by Roberta Lopes of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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