How to create clear goals to live your purpose

At every turn of the year we choose new resolutions to be achieved. However, these goals are often lost quickly. After a few weeks, we are back to square one: unclear about what we really want and the steps we must take to live our dreams.

More than 10% of the year has passed, and with that, we have an excellent opportunity to re-evaluate New Year's resolutions and implement improvements. In this article, we'll see how to make our goals clearer so that we can put them into practice more naturally and fluidly.

We will do the exercise focusing on a single objective (breaking it into smaller goals), but if you want you can replicate the process for other objectives. Attention: before starting, separate a blank sheet and pencil or pen.

Now, check out the step-by-step guide to setting foolproof goals and living your purpose later this year!

Step 1: set a goal to be achieved by the end of 2020

Goals = Focus on the right things

How to create clear goals to live your purpose
Photo by Estée Janssens via Unsplash

To follow goals, it is important to reflect on what are the “right” things for you, that is, what will make you happy! You can set any goals, but you will probably only be able to keep those that make sense within your values, your life purpose and your priorities.

There is a quote from Steve Jobs that helps us to have more clarity in this regard: “If today were my last day of life, would I want to do what I will do today? When the answer is NO for several days in a row, I know I need to change something.”

You might ask yourself the same question: what would I want to do if today was my last day? What legacy would I like to build?

Very good! Then, set a goal to achieve by the end of 2020. Make a note of the goal on your sheet:

Goal for 2020: _________________________________________

Step 2: make a timeline with reverse goals

How to create clear goals to live your purpose
Photo por Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash

You already have a main resolution that will be your “finish line” for 2020. Now it's time to break that goal down into smaller pieces. To do this, you must create a timeline with reverse goals.

In order to meet the ultimate goal, what do you need to achieve by the end of the 3rd quarter of the year? And until the middle of the year? And until the end of the 1st trimester? And this month? Is there anything you should do later this week? It's tomorrow?

Write on your sheet:

Goal to be achieved by the end of the 3rd quarter of the year: __________________________

Goal to be achieved by mid-year: __________________________

Goal to be achieved by the end of the 1rd quarter of the year: __________________________

Goal to be achieved by the end of this month: __________________________

Goal to be achieved by the end of this week: __________________________

Goal by tomorrow: __________________________

If you're reading this article later in the year or even later years, that's fine. Just adapt simply!

Step 3: list two or three constructive gains tasks that you propose to do right now to reach your first goals

The tasks we perform on a daily basis can be divided into three groups:

Pain prevention tasks

Pleasant earning tasks

Constructive gain tasks

In this step, we will focus on the third group: the constructive gains tasks. Check it out below.

Constructive gain tasks

How to create clear goals to live your purpose
Photo by Adeolu Eletu via Unsplash

These are the goal-linked tasks that build (generate real improvements) for yourself and others. They are memorable.

In this group are items such as:

self challenges



self-knowledge studies

Physical activities

big trips




Usually these tasks are neglected and end up becoming dreams or utopias / frustrations. To achieve our goals, we must schedule these important moves at our most energetic moments. It helps us overcome procrastination, laziness and fear!

So now you can list two or three constructive gains tasks that you will do to prioritize your goals and get them off the ground! Write down on your sheet:

Constructive Gain Task 1: __________________________________________

Constructive Gain Task 2: __________________________________________

Constructive gain task 3 (optional): __________________________________

Step 4: List the top 10 pain prevention tasks and pleasurable gain tasks that take your time.

How to create clear goals to live your purpose
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters via Unsplash

In addition to the group of tasks that must be prioritized, there are two other groups of tasks that take up our time and can take us away from our goals.

That doesn't mean these tasks are bad — they are important too. The problem arises when we spend too much time and energy just preventing pain or seeking short-term pleasures. Understand each of the types of tasks below.

Pain prevention tasks

These are tasks we do so things don't get worse. If we don't, other people will charge us or we will fall into self-charge. In addition, they are recurring and infinite actions. They usually bring saturation (feeling of weight, excess, physical and mental fatigue).

Examples of pain prevention tasks include:

tidy the house

Check emails / WhatsApp

Visit family/group of friends

Have a haircut

Pay the bills

Take care of animals

Transporting yourself or others

Go to the market

Prepare food

Studies / Technical Research

maintenance of things

recover from illness

give someone an answer

As these tasks bring a sense of urgency and are charged for by us and others, this is where we normally allocate much of our time and energy. Generally speaking, these tasks can be cut, reduced, delegated, or better organized.

Pleasant earning tasks

How to create clear goals to live your purpose
Photo by via Pexels

Here are the consumptions or leisure that bring short-term pleasure. They are pleasant occupations, but they do not keep us fulfilled for long.


Watch TV / Netflix

invite someone out

Eat at a restaurant you like


ordinary trips


Buy clothes


These actions are constantly sought as a counterpoint to pain prevention tasks. As we get tired and feel saturated in the face of so many “mandatory” and urgent tasks, we seek short-term pleasures to unburden and bring lightness.

Rather than unconsciously seeking out leaks or outlets, we can consciously schedule pleasurable gain tasks to prevent and remedy saturation.

Now that you know the concepts, list the top 10 pain prevention tasks and pleasurable gain tasks that take your time:

1 ____________________________________________

2 ____________________________________________

3 ____________________________________________

4 ____________________________________________

5 ____________________________________________

6 ____________________________________________

7 ____________________________________________

8 ____________________________________________

9 ____________________________________________

10 ____________________________________________

Step 5: Think of ways to lessen the impact of tasks that take up your time

Once you've created awareness of the tasks that take up most of your time, it's time to think of ways to reduce the time of these tasks in your routine.

List an idea for each task:

Idea for task 1: _____________________________________________

Idea for task 2: _____________________________________________

Idea for task 3: _____________________________________________

And so on…

Step 6: Create an optimal schedule prioritizing constructive gains tasks

How to create clear goals to live your purpose
Photo by via Pexels

The sixth and final step of our exercise is to create an optimal schedule prioritizing constructive gain tasks. For this, you can use any type of tool, such as Google Calendar, Trello, Asana or even a physical calendar.

Do it however you like, as long as you place the constructive gains tasks at times when you feel most energized. Always start putting in your agenda what will contribute to your life purpose and your personal and professional growth goals.

Then distribute the harm-prevention tasks and pleasurable gains evenly throughout the week. From there, you can maintain a mindset of persistence and adaptation. Change what is necessary, make adjustments, but stay firm towards your goal!

Also, regardless of how the path towards your goals is, remember:

“It doesn't matter how many times you leave the center, what matters is how many times you come back to the center!” – Pandora Training

Throughout the year it is common to experience numerous difficulties, doubts, fears and unforeseen events. No matter how many times you deviate from the greater goal, what matters is to return to it with infinite loving persistence. Did you leave the center? Go back to the center!

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