How to connect with your inner child

When we go inside ourselves, we can find all the answers we seek in life. Inner connection is an extremely powerful thing and serves as a great daily help. But when we look for something inside us, we can find an innocent, playful being, full of lightness in the soul. Do you know what we're talking about? From our inner child!

You certainly may have thought your childhood was behind you, but that's only partially true. No matter how much time passes, we will always have our inner child by our side – or rather, inside us.

What is the inner child?

The inner child that every adult person has is the one that makes them return to the taste of childhood. Sometimes we can find ourselves sad and soon we think, β€œWhy not watch my favorite cartoon from when I was a kid?”. Well, there is your inner child emerging.

How to connect with your inner child

All children have innocence, joy, love and energy immensely within them. As children, we had these aspects within each of us more easily and simplistically. It was so much easier to make up or show affection!

Of course, the realities of each one when they were children can say a lot about the adults they have become. Therefore it is ideal that in this initial phase of life the problems are solved, in order to have a good adult phase and full of accomplished goals.

The inner child can and must be healed. If you carry childhood traumas or dissatisfactions, then there is nothing more worthy than dealing with these matters. It doesn't matter if it has passed, because if it still brings grief, it must be resolved.

How do we lose our child self?

How to connect with your inner child

Adulthood almost always arrives, and with it also come debts, the need to work, to graduate, etc. With the regret of these situations that end up becoming part of all our days, we don't have time for anything anymore. That is, also we no longer have time for our inner child's actions and desires.

In this way, we are gradually leaving it aside, with the passage of time and the existing multitasking. So if you don't want to lose yourself from your inner child, you need to seek it daily. It doesn't matter if you're at work or in college, if you're in the living room or in the park, seek it out.

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Being in touch with her is important for the adult you are today. Being in touch with your inner child will help you to have strength in difficult times and great happiness in good times.

How can we resume the connection?

How to connect with your inner child

There are many ways to reconnect with the inner child that exists in each of us. Remember: it can be set aside, but it will never be erased from within us. To resume this connection, therefore, you must, first of all, think about your childhood phase.

how were you? What did you most like to do? What made you happy? What were the funniest and most exciting moments? What brought you pain? What made you sad? What were your secrets? And your fears? All this and more can be used to connect you with your inner child.

The main question is: know how to question at the right time! After all, sad issues must be put into question in order to capture solutions. Every time you feel hurt, therefore, look to your childhood conflicts, as they can reveal many parts of your current problems.

In the same way, when you feel happy and confident, remember your good times as a child. So you will be connecting directly to her more and more. These actions will bring your current life all the strength and happiness you need, and better: with great potency.

Guided meditation to connect with your inner child

How to connect with your inner child

Connecting with your inner child through meditation is very simple! Initially, sit in a comfortable position and begin to inhale and exhale deeply. Then, when you feel completely relaxed, start remembering the times when you were a child.

Retrieve in your mind what you liked to do the most and what you always did that was good. Also, rescue moments of extreme joy and those where there was extreme love present. Remember how good it was, how you felt and seek to feel the same way. Bring these good feelings into your heart in order to connect with the energy of your inner child.

After doing this, mentally repeat: β€œI found my inner child. She lives in me every day and I will never abandon her. I love you, I forgive you, I am grateful for being you and who we have become.” Well, this is just an option. You can mentally state what you want as long as it is beneficial to your vibration. Finally, just feel the energy spreading in your energy field. Be silent and just feel, not afraid to give yourself to it.

Ultimately, you will feel that your child has been reconnected. Thank you for this connection any way you want. Just be grateful for having found her again, because now she won't abandon you anymore.

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