How to connect with the energy of love in all its manifestations?

What is love?
How can we connect with this energy?

And here, I propose to talk about - The Divine Love -, conceived by the Divinities, by the ALL, and not this one, invented by the human. The human love we are used to is impregnated with distortions, since after our birth, we are bombarded by beliefs and illusions from our primary lineage, father, mother, grandmother, etc., which brings us love as a feeling full of pain. and sadness sometimes, and with so many stories that tell us or that we observe throughout our growth, that we enter new illusions created by our mind, by the illusions created by our ego, because it comes to protect us from the "dangers" that we will go experience along this journey of life on Earth.

And along our path, the individual process of self-development and awakening of a conscience in each being, we undergo changes in the way of understanding and experiencing the divine love on Earth and we live a False love, other than in the form conceived by the SOURCE, for the energy that will sustain Man on Earth.

We started to treat love in a different way, giving Love other names, but that have nothing to do with real LOVE.

The Love I want to talk about here is what accompanies our spiritual, mental, and physical dimension, as we understand it in the sphere of this feeling.

When I talk about the spiritual here, I'm not talking about religiosity or religions.

When I speak of the Spirit, I am referring to one of the subtle bodies that cover our physical body, and we do not live from this alone.

How to connect with the energy of love in all its manifestations?

Our Spiritual body is pure light and it comes from the Divine spark of the All, from Creation, to experience a human experience through matter, which gives us the opportunity in the here and now. What is this experimentation? What is it like to participate in this great challenge? Matter has the key to the spirit, it comes to live and study together with its Light in a magical School, which provides opportunities and makes it possible for us to learn by playing, fighting, fighting, singing, working, marrying, dating, being a father or mother, a professional, etc, through different disciplines, what it is like to live this process of evolution from spirit to matter, and thus, to return home, after the formation and conclusion of this school, from matter to spirit and from Spirit to the Light of the All. So we return to the source, which is pure Love.

Here, we believe and live a reality unknown to our Spirit, as it is energy of Love from the Pure Source and came to learn, through our Physical Body and through this evolution, which we call Human, what it is like to live this feeling in Earthly Life. Certainly, one of the ways and sources then to connect with the energy of love is to connect with our Spirit, in any way that makes sense in your heart.

So I can say that FEELING is also another way of connecting, since Love springs from the Heart center, from the Heart Chakra of Pink light, color of the Love of Innocence and Green, color of Healing, and this organ is responsible for our pulse in life. And to feel love, this Pulse has to be at least over 400 htz.

See how we pulse in Hertz according to each Emotion felt:

How to connect with the energy of love in all its manifestations?
Image courtesy of the author Claudia Regina Pinto

Here on Earth it is so challenging to access Love because we vibrate with the one who came to defend us – Mental Body, where the Ego is its true defense shield. For this reason, when we are going to face a Challenge, the Ego understands it as danger and activates its resources to prevent you from accepting or facing such a challenge.

It sends out through our thoughts the ideas (mental creations) that it won't work, that you won't make it, that something bad can happen. In fact, he accompanies the Spirit and as he doesn't want to see us in danger (matter and spirit) so he shoots various information of danger to our CNS, which immediately searches the files for the references he has on his "pendrive", that is, 1st records. childhood, birth, family life, social life, friendships, relationships, and depending on these experiences, it releases various hormones in the body so that it remains alert.

How to connect with the energy of love in all its manifestations?

If, in addition to the records, with the memories triggered, the person (matter) does not believe in the designs of the Spirit, that is, in the Light and Power of Love that connects us to the Source, our Emotional body speaks of our ability to believe, to BELIEVE , of having faith, and if faced with the “danger” that the Ego points us, we are only left in the registers of the Mental Body, we will repeat the experiences of the past, and thus we remain trapped in a time that no longer exists. Here in the present moment, look at the information that comes from the mental with the look of the heart, that is, go through the two sieves.

Because Love, when we connect with this Energy, it tells us that to believe, to feel faith, in everything that comes to us, and with gratitude to thank what has arrived and to accept, we get closer to LOVE, the one that generates abundance and prosperity in everything. what we do. If, on the contrary, we deny what arrives, or fix ourselves in the past, or in the future, times that are occupied by the EMPTY, point 0, of something that has already been lived, therefore only memory and memories, or something that will live, where we create imagination or illusion.

How to connect with the energy of love in all its manifestations?

Therefore, our Mental body comes only to register knowledge and experiences in this great school that is LIFE, but not to make rational decisions or dictate the TRUTH. But here we really like to use this Universe and we end up falling into the traps of the Ego, that protective friend who will tell you about the dangers and make you feel fear, insecurity, guilt, remorse, regrets, etc. tell him, you will educate him in the best University he could face….

And he is a beautiful and faithful friend when he learns from us and takes his real place.

I don't think even the Ego likes us to believe in him, because we get sick often, but we need to understand him that he is here to fulfill his service of becoming Brave Warriors and that he faces fears with COURAGE (heart action), with Faith, angel of Spirit and Love.

And here I say that to connect even more with the energy of Love I say that we came here to learn to Love, and our biggest challenge is to Love Yourself.

For now reading:

  • Close your eyes, and ask yourself – DO I LOVE MYSELF?

Yes or No – It is only these words that can arise, yes or no. And both are possible to appear.

How to connect with the energy of love in all its manifestations?

Loving yourself is the best and only way to connect with the energy of love and, from this Love, we are ready to connect with Love in all its forms of Manifestation. In this place we can connect with Free Love, without intentions, without attachments, without guilt, without fears, without lies, just with the TRUTH.

Without Self Love, without respect for who you are, without being able to look at your own pain, without feeling victimized or guilty, it becomes more challenging to walk here on Earth. Many young people commit suicide for unrequited “love”. At another time we can talk more about it.

The fact is that if we do not accept ourselves and do not develop this love for ourselves, it is impossible to love the other, the neighbor,

And a great Messiah, Jesus said, "Love one another as yourself."

Nobody gives what they don't have. And if I don't have it, I'll look for it in the other, in the outside world, on the outside. And our evolution, the development of LOVE is from the INSIDE out and not from the outside in. We are the point of Love, remember?

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How can we amplify our connection to this source in all its manifestations?

  • We learn to BREATHE upon arrival in Life.
  • Cherish yourself, with everything you have, just the way you are.
  • What Are Your Values ​​– Then Value Them.
  • Know all you can in this School that your Spirit chooses to come “to attend”.
  • Create your skills in the subjects of this school, with your free will, making your choices and, later, being responsible for each one, without fault to you or the third party.
  • Develop your skills in the face of the challenges you have the courage to face.
  • Create new answers to old situations, that is, create Body, musculature, new ideas, new tools to go to the end of the cycle, of this journey.

That is, it is possible to abandon, sometimes yes, change the route without ATTACHMENTS, to better follow the designs of your Light.

  • To live LOVE have actions, think of yourself as the Center of everything and that the school is for you, so don't forget the most important Student: YOU. Do things for yourself, that you like, that make you happy, with a beating heart.
How to connect with the energy of love in all its manifestations?

How to connect with the manifestations of Love, and how to understand what is not Love?

  1. Through Truth is one of the ways we can understand a manifestation of LOVE. Be true. The lie is the opposite of Love, do not enter the field of manipulations, games, falsehoods, betrayals.
  2. Through attachments, which shows a false love, based on charges, vanities, comparison, possession, submission or control. Thus, Detachment is one of the forms of manifestation of Love. Understand that in the Flow of Love what comes, goes and we live.
  3. Joy is the freest manifestation of Love, it frees fears.
  4. Beauty, in all its forms of manifestation of Love, of everything that exists in Divine creation, and giving love to Mother Earth, Nature, Animals, Stones, Vegetal.
  5. Practicing Gratitude, this is the act that is part of the condition of having humility, appreciation, recognition for everything we are and received. We receive so much, too much and still, sometimes we still beg...
  6. Develop unshakable Faith, only it can face reason face to face in all times of Humanity, for the experience of LOVE in its dimension.

Love and Joy in all Hearts

Especially on this Special Day of Lovers.

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