How to climb the first step of self-knowledge

    How to climb the first step of self-knowledge
    There are many spiritual paths where the individual can seek self-knowledge, these paths conform, that is, they create forms, in schools that nothing more point to the same work. The individual chooses, almost by intuition, that school that is best in tune with his personal characteristics and tendencies. The choice, however, is always predetermined by a period of internal crisis, a dark period of inner restlessness and existential anguish that the person goes through. At this moment, a fantastic phrase by the great philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche comes to mind: โ€œYou must have chaos within yourself to give birth to a sparkling starโ€.

    This crisis that we are going through must be interpreted as an alarm that calls for the Great Work. The great work is the process in search of the answer "who am I?", this process according to occultists, can take many, many successive lives. This spiritual restlessness that we live must be seen and seen as a starting point for the final goal to be achieved, - self-knowledge-, or the reunion with your Self.

    Inside and outside, everyone is made up of energetic vibrations and man is given the power to dominate and enjoy all these energies. From the moment that man ascends, step by step in search of his conscious overcoming and all the will power that emanates from his conscience, he is able to use his mind. The mind is the biggest and best instrument for the manipulation of energies, you are able to control, transmute and shape them from the moment you climb the first step, that of self-knowledge.

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