How to be motivated every day?

    To wake up. Get up, put the best smile on your face and feel the light breeze of the sunny morning. Have a glass of natural juice, put on your sneakers and go for a daily 30-minute morning walk. Return home and finally start the day in a good mood.

    It would be amazing if we could do the above routine every day, naturally and spontaneously, don't you think? However, it is not every day that we wake up wanting to get out of bed. So we often need to give ourselves strength to get up and face the obligations that lie ahead as the day goes on and you remember the busy schedule.

    But then, what do you do to be motivated every day? What's the magic formula to wake up with so much desire to live? Yeah… Actually, without wanting to end your illusion, magic formula is just a utopia – at least in this case.

    You have to dedicate yourself and make an effort to gradually become someone more willing, cheerful and optimistic. And although there is no miracle potion, there are certainly some very valuable tips to speed up the motivational process – in fact, it's not even a matter of speeding up this process, since, without putting these tips into practice, you won't move.

    So, what are you waiting for? Read below five tips that are essential for you to have motivation in your life. Put them into practice as soon as possible, and feel the difference in your own skin!

    Tip 1: Sleep and eat well

    It may sound a bit cliché, but believe me, without a good night's sleep and healthy eating, you won't get very far. That doesn't mean that every now and then you can't order a pizza and stay up until the wee hours of the morning watching your favorite series, of course you can – even, from time to time, it's even good! Relieves stress…

    The problem is when this lack of routine becomes a habit. Even though we are human beings, our body works like a machine. Sleeping and eating are essential functions. Without them, everything else starts to fail.

    So, get used to going to bed at a certain time, as well as waking up at a certain time too, and have a healthy, balanced diet. You will see the differences in all aspects – physical, mental, emotional and psychological.

    Tip 2: Write down activities, goals and dreams

    No one doubts that only you know what you want for your own life. And if such goals are already in your head, why write? Simple: to organize. Write down your biggest dreams. Then write down each goal you need to achieve to achieve those bigger dreams.

    Finally, write down the daily activities you need to do to achieve your goals and achieve your dreams. That is, have an agenda, a spreadsheet, a moodboard, whatever you want, as long as you make it all visual.

    So, when laziness dominates you and you don't feel like carrying out your activities, you can look at your dreams and see that not doing it will only postpone your final result even more.

    How to be motivated every day?

    Tip 3: Invest in yourself – value yourself

    It is necessary to invest in you. This means that you have to dedicate hours of the day to sleep, others to eat, others to exercise, and others to do whatever you want. Working 15 hours a day won't make you happy - it will make you more tired.

    Invest in you. Give the value your body and soul deserve. This dedication to yourself will make you a lighter and happier person, and this will be directly reflected in your daily motivation.

    Tip 4: The time is now

    “Let me start tomorrow” is a phrase that can no longer exist in your life. As dramatic as it may sound, have you ever thought that tomorrow, maybe, you won't be alive? Of course, everyone wants to live as long as they can, but no one has control over that.

    So tomorrow may be too late. In addition, having the habit of leaving everything for later is an addiction. When you go to analyze it, you've already given up on something, so much time to start.

    Don't allow that to happen. Have focus and willpower. Believe in yourself and remember that, regardless of any circumstances, the best time to start anything is now.

    Tip 5: Be positive

    That's the main tip: be positive. Of course, problems will arise and you will make mistakes. Be sure about it! But, you can turn them into experience and learning, instead of regretting it.

    Do not give up. Wake up and be grateful that you woke up with health and strength to pursue your dreams, goals and objectives. Be grateful to life. Everything is learning. Even the bad times have a purpose.

    Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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